Descripción del proyecto
Hacia una mejor comprensión de la geodinámica del Mediterráneo central
Los límites de las placas tectónicas son susceptibles a los terremotos, los tsunamis y las erupciones volcánicas. El proyecto GEOMED, financiado con fondos europeos, investigará la evolución de los límites de las placas tectónicas durante la interacción de varios procesos tectónicos en una zona reducida, contribuyendo así a comprender mejor estos fenómenos. Para ello, GEOMED estudiará el arco Calabro, prestando especial atención a la zona de fractura del canal de Sicilia, que se extiende a más de 600 km de la costa desde el sur de Cerdeña hasta el sudeste de Malta. Los resultados del estudio, que se incorporarán a un modelo análogo regional, permitirán al proyecto caracterizar en detalle la evolución de los límites de las placas tectónicas a lo largo de las cuencas de arco posterior y aportar más información.
The objective of this research proposal is to understand the evolution of plate margins when multiple tectonic processes (e.g. plate convergence, subduction, and backarc extension) interact within a small area (e.g. the Calabrian arc in the Central Mediterranean). These margins are prone to catastrophic earthquakes, tsunami and volcanic eruptions, and are all linked to long-term dynamic tectonic processes. Various models explain the evolution of these plate margins, however, lack detail on the extension and rifting that takes place along the arcs. The earthquakes in these areas have a strong dependence on their location along the arc, and hence in any effort aimed at mitigating seismic risk, it is crucial to have a complete understanding of how plate tectonics work when multiple tectonic processes act.
We propose a multidisciplinary geophysical and geodynamic investigation of seismic data with additional physical constraints and analogue modelling to improve our understanding on this important aspect of plate tectonics. This will be accomplished by studying the Calabrian Arc, with a special attention on the Sicily Channel Rift Zone. We will incorporate the results into a regional analogue model to understand the nature and role of these processes, which can then be exported for studying other regions. This will allow us to characterise the evolution of plate margins along backarc systems in unprecedented detail, and to investigate the link between plate convergence, subduction, and backarc extension with the tectonics along and at the front of the arc, thus providing a new insight on the evolution of our planet.
The study will ultimately contribute to the mitigation of seismic risk by improving the seismic hazard assessment of the countries affected. Some of these places are highly inhabited areas, home to millions of citizens, a destination to millions of tourists, and have strong commercial activity off shore.
Ámbito científico
Régimen de financiación
MSCA-IF-EF-ST - Standard EFCoordinador
00154 Roma