Periodic Reporting for period 1 - 2D-QuEST (Chemical Structure, Photo Physics and Emission Control of Single-Photon Emitters in Two-Dimensional Materials)
Reporting period: 2019-07-16 to 2021-07-15
Our results suggests at least two types of hBN defects with different chemical structures and different bandgap, can be selectively excited with different laser frequency and emits single photons. To explore the control of single photon emission, this project has developed a compact solid immersion metalens to collect emission from dipole emission centers, with high collection efficiency which is independent on the dipole orientations. In additions, this project has developed an efficient way to largely enhance the fluorescence of quantum emitter with broadband response by coupling the quantum emitters to plasmonic waveguide. Finally, the project has developed a novel efficient frequency domain technique to measure the spectrally resolved fluorescence lifetime of quantum emitters in the microsecond to millisecond time range, which is hardly achieved by the existing fluorescence lifetime methods.
We designed and fabricated plasmonic waveguides that can strongly enhance the emission rate and guide the emission direction of quantum emitters. Quantum emitters (molecules, ions) were coupled to the plasmonic waveguides, their optical properties, such as Raman scattering and flurescence have been characterised using the home-built microscope. We proposed a compact solid immersion metalens to collect the emission of single photon emitter with high collection efficiency. We developed an effective frequency domain technique to measure the lifetime of quantum emitters with high spectral resolution, in the regime of microseconds to milliseconds regime, which is hardly achieved by the existing techniques.
The result about the solid immersion metalens for directional single molecule emission has been submitted to peer-reviewed journal and is under review. One work about the broadband nano-de-focusing of plasmonically enhanced quantum emitter fluorescence is nearly ready to be submitted. Another paper about directional enhanced Raman scattering into plasmonic waveguide is in preparation and will be submitted soon. In addition, the paper about the novel effective frequency domain technique for spectrally resolved fluorescence lifetime measurement is currently in preparation.
We disseminated the results from this project to international conference. I gave an oral presentation about directional Raman scattering on International Conference of Nano-photonics and Nano-opteelectronics 2021. At London Plasmonic Forum 2021, my poster presentation on directional Raman scattering received the best poster award. I organised the first postdoc day of EXSS in Imperial in 2020 to invite the previous postdoc and Marie Curie fellows of Imperial to share their successful experience on scientific research and career development in academic and industry.
We designed an efficient and compact solid immersion metalens to collect emission from dipole emission centers. The collection efficiency of the device is > 85%, for both horizontal and vertical dipole orientations. We thus achieved a high numerical aperture (NA = 1.65) 100 times magnification, solid immersion singlet metalens system with a low aberration.
Those results of fundamental science will bring new knowledge on controlling not only fluorescence but also Raman scattering of quantum emitters through the QED waveguide and metamaterial approaches. They will attract broad attention of quantum optics, metamaterials, fluorescence imaging and single molecule optics communities.
Lastly, we developed an effective, efficient, and low-cost frequency domain technique for fluorescence lifetime measurement. To the best of our knowledge, it is the unique way to measure the lifetime in the microseconds to milli seconds regime with spectral resolution, which can be used to spectrally resolve the dynamics of slow emission process. One of the potential applications of the technique is to spectrally resolve the decay dynamics of molecules triplet states, which is essential to the performance of Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED). The other application of this technique is to spectrally resolve and enhance the fluorescence lifetime of Er ions which play important role on the telecommunications. I am going to work closely with the Imperial Innovations which is a leading technology transfer and commercialization body in the UK, to patent this technology.