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Heating Appliances Retrofit Planning

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - HARP (Heating Appliances Retrofit Planning)

Période du rapport: 2019-05-01 au 2020-12-31

The HARP project, Heating Appliances Retrofit Planning, aims at raising consumers awareness to the opportunities underlaying the planned replacement of their old and inefficient heating appliances. This endeavour will be done by supporting the consumers in the identification of the energy (in)efficiency of their current heating equipment and the savings opportunities that derive from its replacement with a more energy-efficient alternative, such as renewable energy based solutions.
By taking advantage of the heating energy label for space and water appliances, the goal is to mainstream the labelling concept to the installed heating stock, allowing the use of a well-known support decision tool to communicate and motivate consumers to replace their heating systems. HARP accompanies the consumer decision process, providing an impartial message, based on the energy label and presents technological solutions that respond to the consumer’s heating needs, providing a quantified approach for economic and non-economic benefits and bridging the gap with market providers and available national incentives.
In this first period, the work conducted in WP2 was concluded:
- D2.1 “Consumer behaviour change model regarding the adoption of efficient heating systems”, identifies consumers main motivations to adopt energy efficient heating systems.
- D2.2 “Building vs heating stock (space and water) matrix, EU and country level”, provides a detailed analysis on the European installed heating stock.
- D2.3 “Heating solutions and potential” provides a characterization of the heating solutions on the market. It is the basis for the consumers and professionals materials, as well as the backbone of the online application’s 3rd step which is the identification of available solutions on the market for the replacement of the existing heating appliance.
- D2.4 “Co-benefits analysis per technology” identifies the relevance of the different co-benefits for consumers decision- making, as well their Willingness to Pay for these additional benefits.
In WP3 the main results so far are:
- D3.1 “Labelling methodologies and validation report”, & D3.2 “Guideline for the application of the labelling methodologies for installed appliances”, present the methodology developed for calculating the energy efficiency and class of existing heating appliances for space heating (SH) and water heaters (WH) in line with the EU regulation for new appliances.
- Beta version of D3.3 “HARPa online application” for the space heating functionality (validated by partners with the NEFs support).

In WP4 the following results have been delivered:
- D4.1 “Five National Action Plans” that detail the activities to perform at the national level, targeting both consumers and professionals during the 1st heating campaign, as well as the composition and activities with the National Experts Forums’ (NEF).
- D4.2 “Consumers interaction toolbox”: 1 brochure, 2 infographics, 6 factsheets, 3 articles, 2 videos, 1 serious game, 1 social media campaign and 1 ppt for consumer events.
- D4.3 “Professionals training toolbox”: 1 brochure, 3 articles and 1 training course.
In WP5 , D5.1 “Monitoring indicators and evaluation strategy” is an excel file that contains the most relevant data to collect regarding the implementation of the national campaigns, partner responsible, and periodicity.
WP6 is formally to start only in M29 but it has already begun with the collection of information regarding the energy labelling schemes for existing heating appliances in place in the HARP countries.
Within WP7 the following results have been achieved:
- D7.1 “Dissemination and Communication Plan”, sets the approaches to the dissemination activities: visual identity logo, EU project website, leaflet, poster and video, twitter account, project newsletter and approach to EU level media.
- D7.2 “Database o f key influencers at EU level”, is a dynamic mapping exercise that identifies relevant stakeholders to reach within the project.
- D8.1 “Project Management and Quality Assurance Handbook”
- D8.2 “Procedures for the protection of personal data”
- D8.5 “Reviewed calculation of impact indicators”
• Organization of the project kick-off meeting, in Lisbon on the 20 and 21st of May 2019;
• 2nd PM in Brussels, 29 and 30th of January 2020.
• 3rd PM online on the 1st and 2nd of July 2020.
• Set up of an internal SharePoint platform
The most relevant and innovative results so far are:
- The consumer behaviour change model regarding the adoption of efficient heating systems is an innovative study that addresses dimensions like triggers, barriers, engagement, house characteristics, communication channels and co-benefits, providing detailed insights on how to successfully address and raise consumers awareness and interest on the efficient heating topic.
- The methodology to label space and water heating existing appliances in line with the EU regulation for new appliances is an evolution from the methodologies that are already in force in some countries regarding solely space heating. In the HARP project a common methodology was developed for existing space heating appliances and an innovative methodology was established for water and combi appliances, considering the goal of having an EU common approach to energy labelling of existing heating appliances.
- The HARPa online application will also provide a unique consumer experience, gathering in one single application the complete consumer journey from the identification of the need for change to the assessment of replacement opportunities.
Once the HARP campaigns are public, with all the materials available and in particular the HARPa online application, the HARP goal is to reach 1.5 million consumers, making them aware of the important of energy efficient heating and to motivate more than 10.000 consumers to replace their currently old and inefficient heating system. This estimated replacement will allow saving 82GWh/year in primary energy, foster the investment of 37Mio€ in sustainable energy and reduce 21.568 tCO2e/year of GHG emissions within the project duration.
Beyond the quantitative impact, the HARP results are expected to have a wider impact in terms of public policy and the adoption of instruments that will further promote consumer’s replacement of old heating appliances. The energy labelling methodologies, both for space and water heaters, can be mainstreamed at the EU level, as an energy labelling scheme for existing heating appliances, and further embedded in EU Member States policies, namely linked to the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, envisioning a common methodology to quantify and present the energy efficiency of heating appliances in the building energy certificate. Furthermore, the HARPa online application can also be a tool to support the management of energy efficiency incentives, contributing to the replacement of old and inefficient heating systems, also targeting energy poverty and energy challenged consumers. On the professional side, the HARP deliverables can also be used to straighten the communication between professionals and consumers and to promote the uptake of new competences and resources that will capitalize the human resources in the heating sector.
Online application decision process
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