Description du projet
Un dépistage fondé sur le risque pour la fibrillation auriculaire
La fibrillation auriculaire (FA) est un type d’arythmie qui touche fréquemment les populations vieillissantes et comporte un risque élevé d’accident vasculaire cérébral, d’insuffisance cardiaque et de démence. Cette pathologie est à la hausse; selon les estimations, d’ici 2050, elle concernera 5 % de la population européenne âgée de plus de 65 ans. Malgré un guide de l’UE portant sur le vieillissement actif et la prévention des maladies, il n’existe aucune stratégie de dépistage fondée sur le risque. Le projet AFFECT-EU, financé par l’UE, entend développer un algorithme de dépistage de la FA qui soit précis, prêt à l’emploi et fondé sur les risques pour détecter la FA de manière précoce. Le projet utilisera des dispositifs numériques pour combiner les informations disponibles issues des tests les plus importants et des recherches sur le dépistage de plusieurs marqueurs de toute l’Europe, pour traiter la stratification des populations à risque élevé en fonction d’une méthode personnalisée, pour confirmer les recommandations et pour démontrer les avantages financiers.
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is an increasingly common arrhythmia in the aging European population. Its prevalence will more than double by the year 2050 affecting 5% of EU women and men aged ≥65 years. AF carries a high risk of stroke, heart failure, and dementia, which result in a significant loss of quality-adjusted life years and high mortality. The EU guiding principles for active aging (no. 17468/12) recommend disease prevention to maximise healthy life, and early detection of AF is recommended by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Nonetheless, to date, a risked-based screening strategy is lacking.
AFFECT-EU’s major goal is the development of a risk-based, accurate, and ready for implementation AF screening algorithm, using digital devices, for early AF detection in the community.
For this objective we will
(1) Develop a risk-based AF screening algorithm, by combining the available information from the largest outcome trials (Danish LOOP, STROKESTOP, SAFER) and multiple screening studies across Europe (Ntotal>100,000) including health modifiers and biomarkers;
(2) Refine the stratification of high-risk populations in a personalised approach through exploration of distinct digital screening methods and multiple health determinants in deeply-phenotyped population cohorts;
(3) Validate the AFFECT-EU risked-based screening recommendations in a meta-analysis of European and world-wide studies;
(4) Demonstrate cost benefits and acceptability of AF screening across different European healthcare systems;
(5) Identify the AF screening potential to be taken up by differing healthcare systems;
(6) Foster the dissemination of results and adoption of the risked-based AF screening algorithm in the ESC (an AFFECT-EU partner) guidelines.
AFFECT-EU will develop the first targeted, risk-based AF screening algorithm, and thus contribute to the reduction of AF-related health inequities, morbidity and mortality in Europe.
Champ scientifique
Régime de financement
RIA - Research and Innovation actionCoordinateur
20251 Hamburg
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Participants (25)
00271 Helsinki
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Participation terminée
17177 Stockholm
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2006 Sydney
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581 83 Linkoping
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CB2 1TN Cambridge
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OX1 2JD Oxford
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L8S 4L8 Hamilton
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11000 Belgrade
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48149 Muenster
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41121 Modena
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EH14 1DJ Edinburgh
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06903 Biot Sophia Antipolis
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3400 Hillerod
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08035 Barcelona
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52074 Aachen
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02215 Boston Ma
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T12 YN60 Cork
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1081 HV Amsterdam
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B15 2TT Birmingham
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6343 Rotkreuz
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901 87 Umea
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9019 Tromso
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10785 Berlin
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86077 Pozzilli
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