Periodic Reporting for period 3 - SignalingDynamics (Signaling dynamics in the control of cell proliferation and differentiation during development and homeostasis)
Reporting period: 2023-03-01 to 2024-08-31
Here, we investigate how these so-called "signalling dynamics" are employed to coordinate tissue growth with the differentiation into specific cell types. We compare its role in embryonic development and in the maintenance of adult tissues.
1. For the visualization of this cell-cell communication we use available and have generated new signalling reporter lines that emit fluorescence when communication pathways are active. We have also generated combinations of reporters that either report on different signalling pathways and cell fate. Moreover, we have optimized real-time imaging of our model systems and detection and quantification of these fluorescent reporters.
2. To understand how cells communicate with each other and especially how cells use dynamic changes to transmit information, we have to be able to subtly modulate this communication and analyze the effect of this modulation. We have set up and optimized a microfluidic system that allows us to culture our model systems, segmenting embryo tissue and mini-organs, in small incubation chambers - termed chips - and apply pulses of pathway modulators with high precision. This allows us to subtly change the observed pathway activity and then analyze the effect on development and growth.