Periodic Reporting for period 1 - eleGaNt (The first high performance gallium nitride wafers for mainstream power electronics)
Reporting period: 2019-01-01 to 2019-03-31
The overall objectives of the EleGaNt project are to optimize our growth methods, in order to reproducibly guarantee bulk GaN performance at the price of GaN-on-Si, affordable to mainstream power and RF electronics applications. This will be achieved by incremental improvements to our growth sequence whilst scaling to 4” wafers. To demonstrate the scalability and integrability of our technology into industrial processes, we will enter joint development programmes with key industry players (i.e. customers) and thus validate EleGaNt in their fabs, whilst together mapping a realistic route towards 6” to 8” wafer manufacture. A key objective will also be the IP protection of our technology through patents and licensing in line with the execution of our commercialisation, communication and dissemination activities.
Commercial: an analysis of the GaN for power electronics and RF applications market was performed, including an evaluation of our business model assessment of the competitor landscape. This has allowed us to determine a realistic commercialisation and dissemination strategy tailored specifically to the semiconductors market.
IP and Legal: our in-depth analysis of the IP landscape and our IPR strategy showed that the EleGaNt project will not infringe any IPR and we are therefore free to operate globally. Steps towards protecting our IP through licensing agreements have been outlined.
Financial: our costs/benefit analysis and best- to worst-case financial forecasts allowed us to cement a viable business plan, ensuring the profitability and ROI of EleGaNt in the five years following a 2022 market launch.