Periodic Reporting for period 2 - AgingTimer (Systems biology of the individual stochastic timer of aging)
Reporting period: 2021-08-01 to 2023-01-31
Thirdly, we achieved a proof-of concept for measuring the effect of senescent cells on social behavior. To do so, we demonstrated that continuous video monitoring can detect behavioral effects in mice that were manipulated to have excess senescent cells. We were also able to measure the clearance rate of senescent cells in socially isolated versus non-isolated mice. These studies begin to bridges the gap between molecular studies of aging and studies of social behavior. To tie these themes together, we developed mathematical models that connect senescent cell abundance to disease incidence. To do so, we combined out dynamical equations for senescent cell dynamics with newly available large-scale medical datasets from Israel with incidence of hundreds of age-related diseases in 50 million life-years of data. These models provide a potential link between the mouse-centered AgingTimer project and future applications to human health.
Our research already achieved several goals of our proposal. One of the main goals was to develop new methods in order to manipulate senescent cells as a timer of aging. Indeed, using new state of the art approaches we discovered a new method to remove senescent cells. This method is based on the most novel scientific technological developments and goes beyond the knowledge that was available before we started this project. We have already successfully used this method to eliminate senescent cells of a specific type that we identified using novel single-cell approach we established.
We also developed a new methodology to increase the number of senescent cells in a single organ to study the impact of such intervention on the aging timer on the level of the organism. This approach goes beyond our initial thoughts and models for the first time a situation when injury or disease damages a specific organ in our body and enables us to evaluate the effect of this on the aging timer.
From the system biology perspective of our project we developed the first mathematical model that connects human disease incidence from medical records to senescent cell dynamics. In an innovative manner this model connects increase of specific disease incidence with an increase in the number of senescent cells with age.
Expected results until the end of the project
Notwithstanding the restrictions imposed by COVID-19 pandemic we have already got significant amount of results which address aims of our proposal.
Expected results till the end of the project are:
1. Characterizing behavioral changes during aging and finding a link between social isolation, social ranking and accumulation of senescent cells.
2. Identifying non-invasive markers of aging that is coordinated with amount of senescent cells during aging. This will be performed based on the single cell approaches we already developed.
3. Development of a full stochastic model of SnCs that can explain the Gompertz law of mortality and the exponentially increasing incidence of age-related disease with age, as a function of social behavior and sex. This model will allow to establish the risks of death and disease as a function of total and organ-specific senescent cells
4. Determine which behavioral, physiological and histological aspects of aging are reversible and which are not. We will use novel methods we have already developed for elimination of a specific population of senescent cells achieve these results.