Project description
Measuring the impact of research and innovation funding on start-ups
Policy-making by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research & Innovation (R&I) relies on trackable evidence of success in the programmes it supports, especially in terms of impact on innovation, growth, inequality and competitiveness. The Joint Research Centre's INNOVA MEASURE IV project builds on earlier such measures, focusing on the following: improving the methodologies measuring R&I performance; making information on start-up and scale-up innovative firms more accessible, especially for artificial intelligence and robotics companies; and supporting analysis of research and development investments from abroad, by identifying the influence of global corporations on local innovation.
The INNOVA MEASURE IV project continues the research activity carried out by the JRC in support of the work on better evidence for policy-making by the Directorate-General for Research & Innovation. It builds on the outcomes and capacities developed within the framework of the INNOVA MEASURE I-III projects. It focuses on three interrelated research streams, complemented by adequate dissemination: (1) The update and -as necessary- the refinement of the methodologies used for composite indicators measuring R&I performance. This includes the development, enhancement, and production of composite indicators on R&I (including the Innovation Output Indicator and the adjusted Research Excellence Indicator); it also includes a specific angle in support of the statistical work around the European Innovation Scoreboard, led by DG RTD and GROW; (2) Improving the availability of evidence on startup and scale-up of innovative firms, with a focus on “the makers of robots”, or companies in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics; (3) Support to analyses around R&D investments from abroad. This work stream studies European countries and regions as part of a global network of foreign investments in R&I, with the ultimate aim to identify the impact of foreign corporate knowledge ties on local innovation performance. It includes statistical econometric analyses on the internationalization of R&D and on the complex associations between innovation, growth, inequality and competitiveness.
Fields of science
Funding Scheme
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinator
1049 Bruxelles / Brussel