Periodic Reporting for period 3 - CETOCOEN Excellence (CETOCOEN Excellence)
Período documentado: 2022-07-01 hasta 2023-12-31
The overall objective of the TEAMING project is to upgrade the RECETOX Centre and significantly enhance its capacities in the Key Areas of Changes including:
• Excellent Research
• Education and Training
• Research infrastructure
• Human Resources management
• Effective organization and management
• Innovation Management
• Financial Sustainability
• Communication and International Reputation
Teaming with the European leaders enhances a value of the past investments into the national research infrastructures, tops them up with an excellent expertise and makes them available to the international community. The project implementation allows for significant organizational and management changes enabling future operation of the RECETOX Centre according to the European standards. The enhanced scope and quality of the research will contribute to building the Environmental Health Science field not only in the Widening region but in the whole ERA.
Main results include:
1. Establishment of the new research programme “Environmental Health” and several new research groups within this programme and also other programmes,
2. Definition and implementation of the role of junior PIs and the constitution of the RECETOX Training Network (RETRAIN) for junior researchers and PhD students.
3. Implementation of the newly accredited Bachelor, Master and PhD study programmes in “Environmental health Sciences” and “Computational Biology and Biomedicine”, acquiring new accreditations for associate and full professorships in Environmental Health Sciences, in RP2 new bachelor programme was divided into two specializations,
4. The EIRENE RI coordinated by RECETOX became part of the ESFRI Roadmap 2021 and RECETOX is one of the key players of the Exposome research in the EU,
5. Completion of the construction of the biobanking facility and setting up the sample handling laboratories, structural changes in the organization of the research infrastructure,
6. Implementation of new RECETOX HR strategy and annual appraisals started,
7. The changes in the Organization of RECETOX, advanced partners are part of the RECETOX management bodies,
8. International scientific board of RECETOX has been upgraded and the first evaluation of research excellence was realized in 2022.
9. new reporting and controlling mechanisms have been implemented to contribute to the sustainability of RECETOX and to improve the financial planning,
10. strengthened presence in national and international public space.
The project significantly contributed to the development of pan-European Research Infrastructure EIRENE being the enabler of the Exposome research in Europe and globaly.
Establishment of the Brno Living Lab as an important tool for translating science to policy and practice brought new opportunities for collaboration with the regional authorities and enhancing an impact of our research on the society and citizens.