CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
A Facebook page linked to the Website will allow ESRs to interact more informally
RENOIR website, (intranet and public access)A Website will be developed for the network and maintained by the Coordinator.It will be composed of 2 main sections: 1) an intranet area, accessible only to members RENOIR, used for internal communication within the network, as repository of unpublished scientific material and a discussion forum for ESR; 2) a public area that will contain information related to: research/training activities, including a section dedicated to the broad public, list and agenda of meetings, workshops, seminars and local PhD programmes, protocols employed within the network, links to press releases, links to OA data of RENOIR, link to relevant scientific and non-scientific Webpages, including the partner organization PPO and other patients organizations. A monthly newsletter will be published and sent upon subscription.
The selected candidates will be approved by the Supervisory Board The respect of the formal criteria of research experience and mobility will be centrally checked by the Coordinator and Recruitment Board and will represent the preliminary condition for the admission to the selection procedure ESR recruitment will ben completed at month 6All ESR willl be assigned to one supervisor and one cosupervisorsThe recruitment procedure and how it follows art 32 of Grant Agreement the list of the recruited ESRs gender balance the list of supervisor and cosupervisors will be provided
Public advertisement of the RENOIR ESR open positionsThe RB will ensure wide distribution of the advertisement at both national and international levels, including publication on Euraxess (, EMBO, RENOIR and the beneficiaries’ websites, and through mailing lists based on the scientific collaborations of colleagues within the participant institutions
Pawandeep Singh, Bénédicte Chazaud
Published in:
Experimental Cell Research, 2021, ISSN 1090-2422
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