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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

PyroLife - training the next generation of integrated fire management experts

Description du projet

Le temps presse pour former des experts en incendies

Le World Wildlife Fund (WWF) a averti l’Europe que les conditions du changement climatique, comme les canicules et les sécheresses, se traduisent déjà par des incendies plus violents qui se propagent plus rapidement. Entre 2017 et 2018, des super-incendies attisés par des vents très violents ont coûté la vie de 225 personnes au sein des États membres de l’UE: en Grèce, au Portugal et en Espagne. Le projet PyroLife, financé par l’UE, formera une nouvelle génération d’experts à la gestion intégrée des feux de forêt. Réunissant des connaissances issues de différents pays, disciplines et pratiques scientifiques, le projet fournira à 15 chercheurs en début de carrière des compétences et connaissances transférables, intégrées, interdisciplinaires et approfondies, nécessaires pour accomplir leurs recherches et maximiser leur future employabilité. Il s’agit du premier grand programme de formation doctorale intégrée sur la gestion de feux de forêt à l’échelle mondiale.


2018 was a glimpse of the future: deadly mega-fires in Mediterranean and numerous wildfires in temperate and boreal regions. Traditional mono-disciplinary attitudes cannot solve this challenge: there is a critical need to change management paradigms from fire resistance to landscape resilience: Living with Fire. PyroLife trains the new generation of interdisciplinary experts in holistic integrated fire management, through knowledge transfer between South and NW Europe and application of lessons learned in prevention of floods and other risks. Our unique integrated training program, crucially developed with industry, provides 15 ESRs the in-depth, interdisciplinary, integrated and transferable knowledge and skills required to complete their research and maximize future employability. Individual projects target risk quantification (fire danger, vulnerability, (mega)fire behavior, environmental and economic impacts), risk reduction (fire resilient home, garden and landscape design, prevention and governance), and risk communication (stimulating stakeholder and community resilience and preparedness). PyroLife is original for its inter- and transdisciplinary, intersectoral, cross-risk, and cross-climate approach to training doctoral students and tackling wildfire challenges, connecting 21 diverse partners. The project structures doctoral training by being the first large and integrated doctoral training program on wildfires globally, being a leading example for training of our future leaders. With an exemplary gender balance and diversity in industry and academia, PyroLife combines excellent research and supervision to make an impact on society and economy, through broad dissemination and communication. With the Commission’s Nov 2018 call for integrated fire management to ‘tackle the global EU wildfire problem’, the timeliness of PyroLife cannot be overstated. Funding of PyroLife provides the diverse fire experts Europe urgently needs in academia and practice.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 796 859,64
6708 PB Wageningen

Voir sur la carte

Oost-Nederland Gelderland Veluwe
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 796 859,64

Participants (9)