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Next Generation of Micro Gas Turbines for High Efficiency, Low Emissions and Fuel Flexibility

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - NextMGT (Next Generation of Micro Gas Turbines for High Efficiency, Low Emissions and Fuel Flexibility)

Período documentado: 2020-01-01 hasta 2021-12-31

There’s a growing market for a new class of gas turbines, micro gas turbines (MGTs), which can produce shaft power below 500 kW and can achieve high power density and efficiency. They also have the advantage of better fuel and operational flexibility compared to other gas turbines. The EU-funded NextMGT project will develop a multidisciplinary training and research programme aimed at the development of technical expertise and scientific knowledge, which will boost understanding of the fundamental design and operational aspects of MGT technology. The project will provide insight into the main features of the incipient MGT community and the existing structures for collaborative research and technology transfer between research institutions and the industry.
Gas turbines are prime movers based on the Brayton thermodynamic cycle where the working fluid is compressed, thermal energy is then added, before expansion in a turbine to produce power to drive the compressor and produce useful shaft power. The term micro gas turbine (MGT) refers to units producing shaft power below about 500 kW. MGTs can achieve high power density and efficiency, and have the advantage of better fuel and operational flexibility compared to other prime movers of similar power rating. They require less maintenance and the noise level brought about by combustion is lower and easier to attenuate than in competing technologies. Despite previous research and development, MGTs still have a much low market share. Full technical potential has not been achieved due to insufficient investment in research and development and the absence of suitable coordination and innovation sharing mechanisms among stakeholders. The proposed multidisciplinary training and research programme aims at the development of the technical expertise and scientific knowledge that will enable a significantly improved understanding of the fundamental design and operational aspects of MGT technology which involves the development of analytical and numerical multi-physics models that will be validated using experimental data to enable a significantly improved understanding of the fundamental design and operational aspects. Component level technology and their integration in an optimal manner will be addressed. An insight into the main features of the incipient MGT community and the existing structures for collaborative research and technology transfer between research institutions and industry will provide valuable information to pave the way to establishing an important European industry. This would lead the way in distributed power generation and link to renewables utilisation.
• The consortium has submitted 14 out of 14 deliverables by M24
• There has been delays in recruitment and training due to Covid
• The consortium has provided 3 workshops and 1 winter school to the ESRs. All were online, except Workshop 3 which took place at UIS, Norway (in a hybrid manner)
• ESRs have started their secondments
• All ESRs under WP1 have completed their literature surveys and have started to focus more on their research subjects within the project by developing their own scientific content (e.g. thermodynamic modelling, artificial intelligence coding, computational fluid dynamics models, time-dependable algorithms etc.). Their work progress can also be confirmed by the submitted publications in international scientific journals and conferences. They also have a close collaboration through e-meetings every two weeks in order to present their progress and discuss any queries that may be raised.
• All ESRs under WP2 have completed their literature surveys and have started to focus more on their research subjects within the project by developing their own scientific content: performing experiments, running advanced simulations. Their work progress can also be confirmed by the submitted publications in international scientific journals and conferences.
• The overall progress within the WP3 is mainly according to the time plan, besides ESR 10’s progress that is slightly behind the plan, due to delayed arrival to UK caused by Covid restrictions. All three ESRs have conducted literature survey and completed state of the art reports, enabling them to identify the current research gaps to focus their research on bridging the gaps.
• The development of WP4 during the first two years of the project has been according to the Grant Agreement to a very high extent. A major issue putting the WP at risk was experienced due to ESR15 leaving the project, but effective risk management actions were implemented to minimize the impact on the project. The restrictions set by the pandemic in the first two years of the project are being lifted, as already experienced by the consortium, and this will smooth the development of the project.
The challenges faced by the MGT technology are grouped in two categories. (1) Technical, mainly related to design point and part-load efficiency, fuel-flexibility, high-temperature operation, system integration and control, and power electronics. (2) Commercial: the stakeholders in Europe are scattered and do not take advantage of economies of scale arising from joint developments. They also do not exploit the evident synergies with closely related industries such as the turbocharger industry (except for using parts), and large gas turbines for propulsion and power. To a large extent, this is also due to the lack of well-established, agile intellectual property management schemes whereby technology transfer could flow fluently between industry and R&D institutions, to give way to the mentioned economies of scale. There is also a need to understand and probably influence changes to energy policy and regulatory frameworks for example to support the low Nitric Oxides Emissions characteristics of MGTs.

The outcome of the NextMGT project will inevitably have (1) technological/ economical/ societal impact on the scientific fields and also on the public, and (2) individual impact on the ESRs’ employability and development
• Research output that will be disseminated widely through a well-defined plan.
• Fifteen highly trained ESRs ready to join a workforce the implements the EU principles including clean affordable and secure energy through increased innovation capacity.
• The wide-ranging involvement of industry and the commercial dimension of the programme will facilitate bringing ideas to market.
• NextMGT emphasises the link to EU research/policy goals e.g. Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges or Industrial Leadership Pillar, Research Roadmaps, EU sectoral policies and the transferable skills training programme as well as secondments at specialist associations.
The aim of this project is to contribute to the EU agenda on the European Research Area by training “a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative early-stage researchers”, who can face future challenges and to “convert knowledge and ideas into products and services for economic and social benefit”. In addition, support to and compliance with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) will be at the heart of the training of ESRs and the scientific and economic outcomes of this research. This will be achieved through the extensive nature of the training programme offered.
Schematic of NextMGT work technical packages and ESR projects and relation between work packages