Annual report on ended COST Actions
Mid-term report on impact assessmentSC report to the CSO following oc-2020-1
Final impact assessment report for COST under H2020
Mid-term report on COST Connect SGA 3.2
Mid-term report on COST Connect
CNC good practice HandbookStatus report of the pilot for virtual networking tools
The current COVID-19 pandemic has imposed travel restrictions which continue to negatively impact COST’s research community. Actions have continued some of their activities online. However, there is a pressing ask from the research community and an unmet urgent need to support virtual networking by providing new tools. A recent survey confirms that the vast majority of the COST Actions are in favour of permanently including virtual networking in the COST framework. In the absence of fit for purpose networking tools offered by COST, these grants are crucial to Actions regaining momentum and delivering a range of networking activities. The tools proposed do not require additional budget from the European Commission. In line with the principle of flexibility, the Actions can reallocate amounts within their current budget plans. These tools will not replace physical mobility which remains key to the COST mission. The eligibility rules, criteria for evaluation and selection of applicants, and payment criteria applicable to these pilot grant schemes will be included in the Vademecum. Proposal for introducing new tools to support virtual networking as pilots includes: 1. Virtual Networking Support Grants (VNS): One individual appointed by the Action’s Management Committee will develop a virtual networking strategy approved by the MC, coordinate the call for expression of interest for the Virtual Mobility Grants (see below), draft a report to be approved by the MC. The Virtual Networking Support (VNS) Grant amount is set to a maximum of EUR 4.000. The MC shall define the exact amount of the grant based on the following criteria: • Action budget available; • Scope and complexity of the COST Action; • Effort required to implement the proposed activities; • Other possible costs identified (for e.g. training for the Grantee). The MC shall document and provide written rationale for their decision with regard to the exact amount of the grant. 2. Virtual Mobility Grants (VM): The Virtual Mobility (VM) Grant has similar modalities compared to the STSM grant and ITC conference grant where the researcher is required to deliver a report to the benefit of the entire Action. Delivery of the report includes a presentation to the MC of the benefits to the Action of the findings resulting from the VM Grant. Also, the grant recipient will have the obligation to actively contribute to the activities of the Action WG relevant to those findings. The maximum amount per VM Grant is EUR 1.500. This amount can be reduced by the MC based on implied activities (as is standing practice with STSM Grants and ITC Conference Grants). The MC shall define the exact amount of the grant based on the following criteria: • Action budget available and balance between the use of different networking tools; • Subsistence allowance (meals and transport required to execute specific tasks): this shall be considered particularly for VM grantees being PhD students or Action participants for whom the participation in the VM Grant has a demonstrated impact on other financial resources. Other criteria may be used by the MC to make the decision; • Other possible identified costs if not covered otherwise (these may include expenses for highspeed internet required to execute specific tasks, the need for specific software to carry out stated activities and tasks). The MC shall document and provide written rationale for their decision with regard to the exact amount of the grant. Proposed pilot scheme The proposal is a pilot with a limited lifespan from the time ofof January the approval of this Amendment until 31st October 2021. This also marks the end of SGA3.2 between the European Commission and COST. The pilot will enable Actions to meet their objectives and implement activities. A status report interim report with observations and preliminary conclusions on the uptake of on the pilot scheme will be delivered four months after EC approval of the
Annual Report on NNC and IPC Participation SGA 3.2Annual Report on NNC and IPC Participation
Report on the participation of COST to WIREAnnual report on e-COST improvements
Annual report on e-COST improvements SGA 3.2
Annual report on e-COST improvements
Report on new Actions as a result of the OC procedure (oc-2018-2)Annual Report on NNC and IPC Participation
Annual report on the EC-COST joint workshop
Concept Paper on COST Innovators Grant
Mid-term COST Academy report
Mid-term report on COST Connect
Report on the participation of COST to WIRE SGA 3.2
Report on the participation of COST to WIRE The date of the WIRE conference was not known when amendment submitted. The deliverable date could change once known.
Annual report on Communication activities SGA 3.2Annual report on Communication activities
Monitoring report on the effects of the 9 ITC measuresMid-term report on COST Academy
Monitoring report on the 9 ITC measures SGA 3.2
Annual Report of the first CCA under pilot procedure
Annual report on ended COST Actions
Report on new Actions as a result of the OC procedure (oc-2019-1)
COST Annual Report 2020
Report on CIG pilot as a result of the invitations carried out for Actions funded in oc-2015-1
CNC good practice Handbook SGA 3.2
CNC good practice Handbook
Progress report on running Cross-cutting ActivitiesFinal Achievement report of ended BESTPRAC
Report on new Actions as a result of the OC procedure (oc-2020-1)
COST Annual Report 2019-2020
Annual report on COST Science-Informed Policy Advice
Annual report on COST Science-Informed Policy Advice The workshop on policy and COST Actions foreseen to take place on 3 April (SGA 3.1) had been postponed due to the COVID-19. This is the reason why this deliverable has to be postponed to SGA 3.2
Annual report on Communication activities SGA 3.1Annual report on Communication activities
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