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Blue-Cloud: Piloting innovative services for Marine Research & the Blue Economy

Description du projet

La recherche sur la durabilité des océans revient à Blue Cloud

La recherche marine joue un rôle crucial dans les efforts importants déployés pour préserver et soutenir la durabilité des océans. Une technologie innovante telle que le nuage au service de la science bleue (le «blue cloud») nous offre des opportunités uniques pour comprendre, exploiter et protéger l’environnement océanique. L’essor du concept de l’«économie bleue» doit s’accompagner de nouvelles applications technologiques pour obtenir une recherche marine plus efficace qui soutiendra les efforts de minimisation des risques environnementaux et des catastrophes écologiques. Le projet Blue Cloud, financé par l’UE, propose une approche pratique pour comprendre le potentiel qu’offre la science ouverte basée sur le nuage à la recherche sur les océans. Ce projet élaborera une cyberplateforme pilote pour recueillir et élaborer des données pluridisciplinaires et fournir des instruments d’analyse, ainsi que des installations informatiques.


Blue-Cloud addresses the IA ‘The Future of Seas and Oceans Flagship Initiative’ (BG-07-2019-2020) for the following topic: [A] 2019 - Blue Cloud services. The project implements a practical approach to address the potential of cloud based open science to achieve a set of services identifying also longer term challenges to build and demonstrate the Pilot Blue Cloud as a thematic EOSC cloud to support research to better understand & manage the many aspects of ocean sustainability, through a set of five pilot Blue-Cloud demonstrators. It seeks to capitalise on what exists already and to develop and deploy, through a pragmatic workplan, the pilot Blue Cloud as a cyber platform bringing together and providing access to: 1) multidisciplinary data from observations and models, 2) analytical tools, & 3) computing facilities essential for key blue science use cases. Outputs include: a Blue Cloud Framework, Data Discovery & Access Service (approx. 400 users) & VRE (approx. 1,000 users) from 25 countries, Blue Cloud Service Catalogue including 50+ services deployed through 5 compelling pilot demonstrators, A Blue Cloud 2030 implementation Policy Roadmap, Whitepaper on outcomes of the Food/Blue-Cloud Pilots to support the implementation of thematic EOSC, 4 focused Roadmap events & Workshops, 1 hackathon, 10 webinars, 1 Final results conference, engaged community with all stakeholder groups represented. Led by a consortium bringing together leading European marine data management infrastructures, EOSC horizontal e-infrastructures, and excellent marine researchers. Coordinated by a neutral ICT intensive SME with over 15 years’ experience, technically coordinated by a community leading marine & ocean data specialist, and supported by 17 experienced partners, from research, academia & industry, with strategic and practical involvement in design and delivery of blue community needs. An influential External Stakeholders Experts Board & an Expert Foresight Group support the project.

Appel à propositions


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Régime de financement

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 369 908,00
56124 Pisa

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L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

Centro (IT) Toscana Pisa
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 913 127,50

Participants (23)