Living Document with a synthesis of key results from the thematic WPs MV Luke all partners M12 regular updates The synthesis will summarise the key results from the thematic WPs and have the form of a Living Document and all partners are invited to contribute
Analytical framework for nutrition and consumptionTailored analytical frameworks to identify nutrition and consumption issues within the specific FSL contexts including a set of common indicators to measure outcomes on food environments determinants of food choices dietary patterns and nutrition
Strategic roadmap for transdisciplinary action-oriented researchA discussion document will be produced to guide the transdisciplinary and multistakeholder processes within the project The paper will include a strategic roadmap a transdisciplinary conceptual framework as well as common terminology
Training KitTraining Kit for innovative food product and process development UNIPI Luke Bona M20 A range of targeted training material on development of food products and processes including onlinemobile learning will be elaborated for training of partners and relevant stakeholders including as part of the a summer school
Training material on gender in food systemsTraining material on gender in food systems MAK Luke M24 Material for capacity building activities on enhancing the role of gender in food systems change
Discussion paper on current food safety gaps, food losses and improvement optionsDiscussion paper with infographics on current food safety gaps food losses and improvement options
Report on the institutional aspects affecting food system changeReport on the institutional aspects affecting food system change Aeres Hivos MV Luke NIBIO M30 Summary report of the institutional and governance aspects affecting food system changes based on the lessons learnt in the 10 FSL
First set of practice abstractsFirst set of 10 practice abstracts 27 The resulting innovative knowledge and easy accessible enduser material from this project will feed into the EIPAGRI The agricultural European Innovation Partnership website for broad dissemination The enduser material to be produced contains at least ten summaries for practitioners in the EIP common format practice abstracts including the characteristics of the project eg contact details of partners etc A full package of practice abstracts will be produced by the project containing all the outcomesrecommendations which are ready for practiceA practice abstract is a short summary of around 10001500 characters word count no spaces see below which describes the main informationrecommendationpractice that can serve the endusers in their daily practice Guidance and templates for these practice abstracts are available on the EIPAGRI web site httpeceuropaeueipagricultureencontenteipagricommonformat A total target number of 20 practice abstracts is foreseen for the project Half of them are expected to delivered in the first batch
Policy Brief on the role of gender in food systems changePolicy Brief on the role of gender in food systems change MAK Luke M12 Summary of lessons learnt from a gender perspective The report with infographics and Policy Brief include guidelines for gendermainstreaming
Awarenessraising campaigns related to food and nutrition Luke M36 Pilots for accessible communication campaigns include an inclusive photography campaign and radioTVsocial media campaigns
Moustier P., Holdsworth M., The Anh D., Seck P., Renting H., Caron P., Bricas N. ; J. Von Braun, K. Afsana, L. Fresco, A.H. M.H.
Published in:
Science and innovations for food systems transformation, 2023
Moustier P., Holdsworth M., The Anh D., Seck P., Renting H., Caron P., Bricas N.
Published in:
Global Food Security, Issue Volume 36, 2023, ISSN 2211-9124
Qiuzhen Chen, Karlheinz Knickel, Mehreteab Tesfai, John Sumelius, Alice Turinawe, Rosemary Emegu Isoto, Galyna Medyna
Published in:
Frontiers in sustainable food systems, Issue 30 November 2021, 2021, ISSN 2571-581X
Frontiers Media S.A.
Kristina Lindström, Aregu Aserse, Sirkku Juhola,Enyew Adgo
Published in:
Rosemary Emegu Isoto, Alice Turinawe, Linda Rosengren, Mila Sell, Amit Ashkenazy
Published in:
Makerere University
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