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All Atlantic Ocean Sustainable, Profitable and Resilient Aquaculture

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ASTRAL (All Atlantic Ocean Sustainable, Profitable and Resilient Aquaculture)

Período documentado: 2020-09-01 hasta 2022-02-28

Aquaculture has been identified as the most promising source of animal proteins worldwide, leading to a significant industry investment and rapidly increasing sector with a steady growth rate since 2000. However, the industry is dominated by fed species, creating the growing need for feed resources, concerns about environmental impacts and food safety of the products.
The ASTRAL project main goal is to increase value and sustainability for integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) production by developing new, resilient, and profitable value chains. In IMTA production, multiple aquatic species from different trophic levels are farmed together. Waste(s) from one species are used as inputs (fertilisers and food) for other species. The IMTA concept is developed in four test systems (called IMTA labs): open costal/offshore in Ireland and Scotland, land-based pump ashore in South Africa and recirculation inshore in Brazil; these sites grow several species combinations such as fish, scallops, lobsters, oysters, urchins and seaweed. A prospective IMTA lab is also being assessed for future production in Argentina. ASTRAL goals include the increase of circularity in IMTA production and the contribution of achieving zero waste in aquaculture systems, as well as the creation of appropriated business models to increasing profitability. Potential climate risks and emerging pollutant (microplastics, harmful algae blooms, pathogens) will be assessed, together with the development of innovative technology to monitor the production and the interactions from/to the surrounding environment (specific sensors and biosensors, IoT and AI data analytics), with the final aim to provide monitoring recommendations to policy makers. Sharing knowledge and capacity development are among ASTRAL priorities, to build a collaborative ecosystem along the Atlantic Ocean with industrial partners, SMEs, scientists, policy makers, social representatives and other relevant stakeholders.
The ASTRAL project started in September 2020 with a virtual kick-off attended by all the 16 partners, representatives from the Commission and other Atlantic projects. The work in the IMTA labs has been focused on implementing and optimizing their production cycles and the introduction of new species and species combinations.
In the prospective IMTA lab Argentina, the development of a strategy for selecting species for the Beagle channel is ongoing, looking at local species and considering their distribution, life cycle, biology, state of fisheries, market value and aquaculture experiences.
To increase circularity, the zero-waste approach has been studied in details in close and semi-close systems and relevant results have been obtained in relation to the best combination of species, such as improvements on Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) and feed ingredients in Brazil IMTA lab, as well as increase recirculation rates, use waste streams from urchin production, bioremediation capacity of Ulva and new feed sources from urchin faeces in South Africa IMTA lab. The circularity assessment has started with the definition of a common framework to evaluate the diverse characteristics associated to open, close and semi-close systems and data are being collected by the IMTA labs. As part of the Life Cycle Assessments (LCA), the goal and scope are under definition for each lab A regional assessment and the corresponding socio-economic analysis have started; data collected from aquaculture producers through an online survey, complemented with a state-of-the-art-analysis of the characteristics and economic performance features of the aquaculture industry, identifying best practices, interesting business models, and promising value chains, which will provide the baseline for the development of business cases/models and future investments. s.
To allow a precise control of production parameters, as well as monitoring environmental challenges, promoting aquaculture sustainability and profitability, ASTRAL is developing an innovative pool of technologies. Five sensor prototypes have been developed and are ready to be deployed at the various IMTA labs: bivalve sensors to monitor water quality; UV-IS fluoremeter-spectometer for physico-chemical measurements; real-time monitoring low-cost IoT kits for water quality parameters integrated any sensor, communication system or power suppling on the market; artificial intelligence-based vision sensors for biomass estimation and HAB monitoring. An AI data analytics platform is also being developed, to visualise farms sensors information, running the AI algorithms and store/visualise predictions. Potential environmental and climatic risks for Northern and Southern Atlantic regions are addressed: climate trends were analysed to identify vulnerable regions along the Atlantic coasts; assessment of HABs and pathogens occurrence are being performed and a large-volume sampling device to collect microplastics has been developed and deployed at the IMTA labs. Sharing results and knowledge with the society is a fundamental step to build trust and improve social license: participatory workshops addressing the societal needs of the key stakeholders have been conducted in Scotland and South Africa.
Three capacity development activities and three apprenticeships have already been conducted and empowerment of women in aquaculture activities have been initiated in Nigeria. These activities contribute to the ambitious and gender-sensitive human capital development plan (HUCAP) which will improve professional skills and create a highly trained workforce. The creation of the virtual platform Aquaculture Helix has provided a space for interaction and engagement between multisectoral stakeholders along the Atlantic and will contribute to the implementation of the Belém statement.
The work performed in this first period has improved the IMTA chains: several practices have been introduced in the different IMTA labs such as improved infrastructure and system design, new species and new combinations, new seeding cultivation methods. These practices will allow more resilient chains, increase or steady production and lower impact on the natural environment. Experiments to increase the circulation rate up to 100% has been successful in the South Africa IMTA lab and the substitution of fish meal fraction in feed by different by-products by the poultry industry is encouraging in the Brazil IMTA lab. Five types of sensor prototypes have been developed and are being tested at the IMTA sites, to monitor water quality parameters, biomass and HABs occurrence, microplastic presence. A large volume sampler to collect microplastics has been developed and is deployed at the IMTA sites.
Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture system examples - ASTRAL project