Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SweetVision (Envisioning the Reward: Neuronal circuits for goal-directed learning)
Reporting period: 2022-03-01 to 2023-08-31
The project proposes to apply state-of-the-art methods (in vivo 2D and 3D imaging in awake behaving mice, placed in virtual reality) to the investigation of a fundamental but still unresolved problem: how does practice modify the neural circuits for sensory processing to optimize performance? The recent development of imaging methods in awake behaving mice has revealed the impact of non-sensory inputs into neuronal activity in primary sensory areas. However, the nature of these contextual inputs and the mechanisms underlying their integration with sensory inputs remain unknown.
The originality of the project stems from the comparison between different types of visual experience and the investigation of mechanisms at multiple scales: the subcellular, cellular and network functional changes underlying passive and active visual experience. These results will reveal new functional pathways between brain areas, identifying which type of inputs are received by V1 neurons during goal-directed learning and revealing which type of output is sent from V1 to other brain areas. This rich data set will also reveal functional changes in subtypes of neurons that have so far not been characterized. By revealing the inputs, the local circuits computation and the output of V1 neurons during passive viewing and active learning, I will be able to propose a unifying model that captures the dynamics of the visual learning process.
The beginning of the project has been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic since the lab facilities were not accessible for several months between December 2020 and March 2021.
I took this time to write and publish a review on the topic of the project:
Tom Flossmann, Nathalie Rochefort, Spatial navigation signals in rodent visual cortex. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, Volume 67, Pages 163-173, 2021.
This article has so far been cited 10 times in less than a year.
Experimental part:
- Acquisition of the first data set of 2-photon imaging of V1 and ACC activity during goal-directed behaviour
- Establishment of multi-sites probes electrophysiological recordings (Neuropixels) in awake mice during goal-directed behaviour. Learning and developing the analysis pipeline of recorded activity. First data set collected and being analysed
In parallel to the experimental part, I have pursued a collaboration with computational neuroscientist Dr Arno Onken on the application of statistical methods for the analysis of large datatsets of neuronal activity in awake behaving animals.
This collaboration has resulted in the recent publication of a joint article with contribution from both labs: (members of Rochefort lab in italic):
N. Kudryashova, T. Amvrosiadis, N. Dupuy, N. Rochefort, A. Onken, Parametric Copula-GP model for analyzing multidimensional neuronal and behavioral relationships, Plos Computational Biology, January 28, 2022,
Collaboration with Physicist Dr Tomas Cizmar (fiber endoscopy) is on hold due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Our joint article has been cited 126 times since publication (2018).
Public engagements:
Invited speaker at the BioSoc and Girl Up Edinburgh's 'Women in Biology and Medicine’ seminar, March 9, 2022; panel member
Chair of the fundraising event ‘A Statue for Elsie Inglis’; “An Afternoon with Prof Linda Bauld OBE and Kate Murray‐ Browne chaired by Dr Nathalie Rochefort”, March 2022
Invited speaker to ‘Starting and Developing your own lab’ seminar, more than 100 participants (june 2021)