Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SANISTABILIZER (multi-purpose waste reducer)
Reporting period: 2019-05-01 to 2019-08-31
Sanistabilizer is a vast improvement on our existing Sanishredder device. By adding a pre-treatment phase, the duration of the cycle is greatly reduced. The process will be automated, reducing the number of staff required to manage waste on board a ship. It is a vast improvement on energy-intensive and polluting state-of-the-art solutions such as the incinerator, combining the functions of 6 separate machines into one.
Sanitrade has over 500 clients in the marine, hospital and transport business. They require a waste management solution that can cope with the large amounts of trash produced by cruise ships. So, we carried out a Feasibility Study split into technical, commercial and financial parts.
We studied the target market and competitors. The cruise ships market is a highly promising one, worth over €42 bn in 2019.
Sanistabilizer has full Freedom to Operate. Our strategy will be to sell our product to cruise ship, ferry and other gross tonnage ships producing large amounts of waste directly. We will use current clients, promotion by local partners, and digital/conventional marketing to reach new clients.
The project is highly profitable, with an ROI of 9.7 by 2026 for the €1.8 M required to bring our innovation to market. This will translate into total revenues of almost €42M per year by 2026, and accumulated profits of over €48M.