Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Hologlass (A New Generation of Augmented Reality Smart Glasses)
Période du rapport: 2019-05-01 au 2019-09-30
Within the technological feasibility study, we have analysed the Hologlass stage of development and definde its final specifications based on real market needs. We have established our technology roadmap to achieve the biggest impact in the market.
- Task 1.2 Market assessment and pilot identification
We have studied in detail what is the size of the market we are going to target. This have allowed us to make better estimations operational and financial.
- Task 1.3 Business model validation
Jointly with stakeholders, we have shifted our business model so we can improve the scalability of our company.
- Task 1.4 – Legal assessment
We have performed a background patent research to ensure that our main features can be protected. Based on that, we have developed patentability strategy for the future.
- Task 1.5 – Work Plan for Phase 2 and Risk assessment
Taking into account which are the technical challenges and features to develop, we have defined a work plan. The risk assessment has allowed us also to better shape the work plan.
- Task 1.6 - Business plan description
We have documented the commercialization strategy to be implemented in the future
- Task 1.7 Business Plan and Feasibility Report
We have written and documented all the work done during the Phase 1.
a) Long battery
b) Eye tracking technology
c) Easy customizable
d) Hand gestures detection
So far there are studies that show prodcutivity increase when using this type of devices, so by improving and focusing in this appplication, this ratios can be improved.