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illuMINEation --- Bright concepts for a safe and sustainable digital mining future

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - illuMINEation (illuMINEation --- Bright concepts for a safe and sustainable digital mining future)

Reporting period: 2020-09-01 to 2022-02-28

Europe urgently needs to reduce its import dependency in respect to a multitude of raw materials. In order to do so, Europe’s mining industry must completely redesign the process of traditional mining via the adoption of pioneering innovations, accompanied by extensive use of data analytics and new types of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) systems. illuMINEation highlights significant aspects of digitalisation in mining with the aim of achieving highest possible levels of safety, environmental and economic performance. The project will establish a robust multi-level distributed IIoT platform including cloud computing and distributed data-management, and based on large sensor networks featuring wireless communication capabilities. Advanced user interfaces and dashboards will allow for an optimised information flow. A rigorous cyber security approach will ensure that all data is properly protected.
Via comprehensive digitisation of important mining aspects such as (i) the mineral deposit, (ii) rock mass stability, (iii) equipment for condition monitoring, (iv) safety of mining personnel as well as (v) the working and mining environment, the project addresses all of the three key factors that influence the sustainability and profitability of mining operations: (a) Occupational Health & Safety performance (incl. health & safety aspects of the nearby community), (b) environmental impacts and (c) efficient resource extraction and economic operation.
The core objective of illuMINEation is to improve the efficiency as well as health and safety of European mining operations and personnel via:
I. Development of a novel multi-level distributed IIoT platform.
II. Improve health, safety & environmental performance.
III. Enhance efficiency and increase the economic performance.
IV. Promote the adoption of IIoT platforms in the mining sector at EU level.
The specific requirements for the IIoT platform were further refined by the industry use case partners (i.e. participating mining companies and equipment manufacturers), based on the challenges they face in their respective operations. This use-case-driven-approach will maximize the usability and application of the new technologies developed by illuMINEation.
A thorough assessment of available sensor options for deployment in mining operations has been undertaken, on the one hand investigating available off-the-shelf low-cost sensors and, on the other, sensors linked to specific needs (incl. benchmarks) for a digital mine management system.
Sensors for rock stability monitoring are already under development and theoretical as well as numerical simulations being performed. Atmospheric measurement will be performed via two alternative sensor combinations. Data transfer will be maintained through LPWAN communication to specific gateways connected to the mine infrastructure (mostly WiFi). For the surface environmental monitoring, sensor combinations and evaluations have been developed based on low-cost sensors.
Autonomous drone use under harsh underground mining conditions is complicated. Appropriate sensor suites which could minimize the platform weight, maximize the flight-time and still provide accurate navigation and collision-free performance was initially investigated, incorporating LiDAR, various camera solutions, UWB, and different IMU sensors.
The application and integration of a drilling monitoring and evaluation system have been assessed. Data was analyzed to develop required processing routines. A new approach is being developed to correlate rock structural condition with the response of drilling parameters. The assessment of deviations in borehole paths is underway in order to define the distribution of stress in the rock mass when blasting.
In support of a sensor-based monitoring system for mining machinery, data loggers have been mounted on selected machines. This data is being combined with telematics and maintenance data, in order to develop algorithms for the prediction of remaining useful life of components and systems. Investigations are ongoing to define suitable parts for additive manufacturing of machine spare parts. Evaluation criteria used are based on various aspects such as weight, size etc.
Comprehensive literature studies were performed on battery aging, focusing on newest scientific literature for large batteries, substantially increasing the knowledgebase in respect to functionality and behaviors. Analysis of battery data commenced and the concept for the estimation of capacity degradation developed.
The first iteration of a reliable, large-scale data-intensive and highly adaptable IIoT platform was built, capable to process data for various mining-related applications. A general concept for visualization integrated in the IIoT platform was developed. First example dashboards for time series, photos and videos were prepared. Investigations on visualization components for a digital twin system suitable for the IIoT platform commenced and initial considerations for the integration of VR and AR display devices were carried out.
illuMINEation’s long-term vision is to utilise the full potential a “digital mine” offers by embedding digital thinking into the heart of the mining business.
1) Impact on important European policy strategies and cross-cutting priorities:
(a) Safeguarding existing and creating new jobs in Europe’s raw material sector; (b) lower emissions and less energy consumption due to intelligent mineral resource extraction technologies (i.e. reduced waste from extraction and processing of mineral resources).
2) Pushing the EU to the forefront in the relevant areas:
(a) Stimulation to progressively implement digitalisation initiatives in the mining sector (incl. mining equipment sector); (b) recommendations for performance optimisation and reliability improvements of sensors, drones and other mining equipment; (c) starting point for new product / service development by companies.
3) Safeguarding environmental sustainability and improving health and safety performance:
(a) Supporting a holistic, cost-effective and real-time health-safety-environment risk and sustainability assessment; (b) decrease number of injuries and fatalities; (c) facilitate a more transparent mining industry; (d) improve the reputation of the mining sector.
4) Creating a lower TRL technology base for radical innovations:
Development of a comprehensive “Digital Mining Ecosystem” via combining various low TRL and highly innovative solutions, viewed as important first step in direction towards Europe’s digital mining future.
5) Decreasing the EU’s raw material import dependency by improving the economic viability of operations:
Increased operational efficiency and resource extraction as well as improved machine performance (e.g. condition monitoring and predictive maintenance), turning non-profitable or marginal operations into profitable ones and allowing to access and exploit mineral deposits at greater depths and at lower resource grades.
6) Integration of new skills, education and knowledge:
(a) Supporting the transition from manual “dirty and high-risk” operations towards safe, efficient and information-driven mining processes with the demand for a highly qualified work force with new digital skill sets; (b) support training of mining personnel on all qualification levels and via utilisation of VR and AR training tools.
Conceptual design of the illuMINEation IIoT platform
Key objectives of illuMINEation