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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

New CENTRalities in INdustrial areas as engines for inNOvation and urban transformation

Description du projet

Des solutions pour la régénération des sites industriels historiques

Avec la révolution industrielle, la technologie a été introduite dans la société, générant des avantages économiques importants pour les économies régionales et nationales. La mondialisation a toutefois entraîné la perte d’un grand volume de capacité de production dans les villes européennes, qui sont passées à une économie de la connaissance. De ce fait, les emplois manufacturiers ont reculé et les zones industrielles négligées ont périclité. Le projet CENTRINNO, financé par l’UE, a pour objectif de mettre au point et de présenter des stratégies, des approches et des solutions pour la régénération des zones et des sites historiques industriels sous forme de centres de production et de fabrication créatifs restant fidèles aux défis écologiques de notre époque. Ces zones stimuleront également une économie urbaine diversifiée, inclusive et innovante et utiliseront le patrimoine comme catalyseur de l’innovation et de l’inclusion sociale.


Europe gave birth to the industrial revolution about two centuries ago thanks to the convergence of a series of factors that allowed technology to be closer to society, while creating economic benefits to regional and national economies. With the globalisation, European cities lost a large volume of manufacturing capacity and transitioned to a knowledge economy. The result: a decrease in manufacturing jobs, the lack appreciation for these jobs, and neglected industrial areas subject to decay.

Decay of industrial heritage has a major imprint on European city's identities, but also is a source of opportunity. The result, industrial areas with high historical value for Europe being abandoned or exploited by extractive economic activities, with no connection to local knowledge, and with no generation of value at the local level.

CENTRINNO aims to develop and demonstrate strategies, approaches and solutions for regeneration of industrial historic sites and areas as creative production and manufacturing hubs, that 1) hold true to the ecological challenges of our time, 2) boost a diverse, inclusive and innovative urban economy, and 3) and use heritage as a catalizer for innovation and social inclusion. We give centre stage to craftsmen, vocationally trained professionals, entrepreneurs, makers, SME’s, Fab Labs, Food Labs and Makerpaces to become key players in the cities supply of local goods and support them to take on a fundamental role in our future cities, thus opposing disengagement and stagnation of local economies. Through a holistic method combining the Fab City Global Initiative approach to productive cities with Emotion Networking, life cycle assessment and spatially-specific material flow analyses, we bring to the fore both complex, layered histories of these sites as well as the cities available resources in terms of urban landscape, materials, current day skills and practice and human capital.


Appel à propositions


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Régime de financement

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 829 425,00
20121 Milano

Voir sur la carte

Nord-Ovest Lombardia Milano
Type d’activité
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 829 425,00

Participants (35)