CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
The Georgian national EURAXESS will be presented in social media: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube
Portal launchPortal will be launched
Final version of the portalFinal version of the portal will be done
Euraxess guide for non-mobile researchers will be published
Pilot content for the web-portalPilot content for the web-portal will be created
FAQ, video guide in Georgian and Abkhazian languagesFAQ video guide in Georgian and Abkhazian languages will be published
Training materials and reportsTraining materials and reports will be prepared and updated for M12 M24 M36
Mobility guide for incoming researchersMobility guide for incoming researchers will be published
Mobility guide for outgoing researcherMobility guide for outgoing researcher will be published
Plan for sustainable developmentPlan for sustainable development will be elaborated
Fully fledged Georgian national EURAXESS networkThe Georgian national EURAXESS network becomes fully fledged
Samples of promotional products (leaflets, journal)Samples of promotional products leaflets journal will be prepared and published at M6 M18 M24
Network of ECPs established, ECP database and mailing listNetwork of ECPs will be established, ECP database and mailing list will be created
BHO establishedBHO will be established
Event calendar, news and interviews published on the portalEvent calendar news and interviews published on the portal and updated regularly during the project execution
Complete contentComplete content for the webportal will be developed
Steering group establishedThe steering group will be established
ESC establishedESC will be established at BHO
Project report6 months interim reports will be done M 6 12 18 24 30 36
Social media statistics will be prepared for 6 month interim periods M636
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