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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Proactive communication and marketing measures for SMEs

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Design Option Paper

The compilation of the final deliverable basing on the results of the data collection peer reviews and design workshops.

Feedback report from the peer review fourth visit

The report will consist of the short description of the partner’s practices and main target groups, list of good practices connected to the project objectives identified and recommendations.

Set of templates for the data collection of partners

The templates will consist of: • quantitative data on the target group in the represented region, • qualitative information on the user.

Methodology and templates for the peer review visit

The methodology will consist of: • general instructions: objectives, roles of partners, format of the meetings, questions to ask, • framework agenda and instructions on how to proceed, • template for feedback report.

Publications and material for communications

2 press releases

Presentations during the external events or complimentary projects

month11, month12


El PTA de Málaga superó en 2019 los 20.000 trabajadores

Author(s): Malaga TechPark
Published in: Online newspaper Málaga Hoy, Issue Daily, 2020
Publisher: Newspaper Málaga Hoy

Tres parques científico tecnológicos europeos se unen al Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía en el proyecto TargetSME

Author(s): Aline Daniel Malaga TechPark
Published in: Website Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain, Issue daily, 2019
Publisher: Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain

El PTA participa como socio en 'Target SME', el proyecto europeo para hacer crecer las pymes a través del marketing

Author(s): Málaga TechPark
Published in: Newspaper La Vanguardía - Andalucía, Issue Daily, 2020
Publisher: Newspaper La Vanguardía - Andalucía

Three European science and technology parks join the Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía in the TargetSME project

Author(s): Aline Daniel Malaga TechPark
Published in: website of the Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain, Issue daily, 2019
Publisher: Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain

Málaga TechPark presenta su nueva estrategia de comunicación en el proyecto europeo ‘Target SME’

Author(s): Málaga TechPark
Published in: Málaga TechPark Facebook, Issue Daily, 2020
Publisher: Málaga TechPark

"Ayer tuvo lugar la 1ª jornada (virtual) del tercer encuentro con los socios del proyecto #TargetSME: #PTA, @PPNT_Poznan, @tehnopol, #KaunasSTP. ¡Hoy 2ª sesión!"

Author(s): Malaga TechPark
Published in: Twitter, Issue Daily, 2020
Publisher: Malaga TechPark

"El PTA participa como socio en ""Target SME"", el proyecto europeo para hacer crecer las pymes a través del marketing"

Author(s): Malaga TechPark
Published in: Online Communication Platform 101Tv Málaga, Issue Daily, 2020
Publisher: Online Communication Platform 101Tv Málaga

Four IASP members collaboratein H2020 project

Author(s): IASP
Published in: website of IASP, Issue daily, 2019
Publisher: IASP

"Málaga TechPark presenta su nueva estrategia de comunicación en el proyecto europeo ""Target SME"""

Author(s): Málaga TechPark
Published in: Website Málaga TechPark, Issue Daily, 2020
Publisher: Málaga TechPark

El PTA participa como socio en 'Target SME', el proyecto europeo para hacer crecer las pymes a través del marketing

Author(s): Malaga TechPark
Published in: Andalucía - Europa Press, Issue Daily, 2020
Publisher: Andalucía - Europa Press

Málaga TechPark presenta su nueva estrategia de comunicación en el proyecto europeo ‘Target SME’

Author(s): Malaga TechPark
Published in: Newspaper El Sol Digital, 2020
Publisher: Newspaper El Sol Digital

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