Periodic Reporting for period 2 - IPERION HS (Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science)
Période du rapport: 2021-10-01 au 2022-09-30
IPERION HS makes world-class scientific tools and knowledge available to heritage scientists through three integrated Trans-National Access (TNA) platforms:
• ARCHLAB: access to physical (and digital) data collections that constitute valuable research resources, such as objects, technical images, samples and reference materials, analytical data and conservation documentation, as stored in museums, galleries, conservation and research institutions, including related unique expertise;
• FIXLAB: key fixed facilities for heritage science research – e. g. particle accelerators, neutron and laser sources and other essentially non-transportable research facilities;
• MOLAB: access to a comprehensive selection of mobile analytical instrumentation for non-invasive measurements on objects, collections, buildings, and sites, allowing in situ investigations for complex multi-technique diagnostic projects.
In addition to TNA services, IPERION HS is contributing joint innovative research for better interoperability not limited to data, but including sample materials, methods, and instruments. IPERION HS Networking Activities represent a coordinated approach to key issues in the integration of national nodes and facilities into a fully operational pan-European RI. Networking also aims at reinforcing the binding in the group and at creating a sense of belonging for heritage science researchers who exploit the RI services. Targeted actions are being developed to support interoperability, sustainability, exploitation and innovation, user engagement and training and engagement of scholars in new user communities.
After an initial, tentative extension of 6-monts, granted by the EC, a new assessment of the true damage made by the COVID was made at the 2nd Annual Meeting and decisions were taken at the 3rd Interim Meeting to ask for a new extension.
By an extended and frequent use of virtual meetings at all levels (Steering Committee, WP, Task), and virtual events, including webinars and summer schools, the project was thus able to proceed, in several cases even at a good pace and with excellent results. There were, anyway, several key activities which suffered long stops. Among these, the most relevant for the success of the project were TNA provision and joint research. Most of the laboratories were indeed closed and researchers’ mobility was severely damped.
In April 2022 the project was finally able to organise a face-to-face meeting, the 2nd Annual, which under many aspects represented the “real” kick-off meeting. TNA provision and joint research gradually restarted during the last 12 months and now all partners are working hard to regain the incredible amount of time which was lost to the pandemic. One of the major effects of the slowed-down TNA and JRA is the much lower number of related publications. Dissemination targets at M24 are not yet achieved as there is still little material to publish coming from these project activities.
WP1 All the project bodies are appointed and working.
WP2, WP 3 and WP4 are working together with WP8 to “normalize” TNA service provision. All the TNA calls were regularly opened. Projects were submitted, examined and access to users was granted. After the initial block, access projects are now being developed, even if there are currently several projects waiting to be delivered.
WP5 is at work on the five joint research activities (JRAs) that are key for the improvement of future access services. Now that laboratory activities are back to normal, the five Tasks in this WP are struggling to regain the delay and to provide the expected results.
WP6 activities ran at a good pace, by restricting to the virtual format all the planned meetings. Almost all the planned results were achieved, including the launch and operation of the Regional Development Advisory Board (RDSAB).
WP7 has put forward the training activities, branded jointly as #HS Academy, all in remote modality. Now Training Camps and Summer School are again possible and are regularly scheduled.
WP8 has carried out an intense work to achieve procedural consistency across the three TNA platforms and the Training activities to guarantee efficient and integrated access in the frame of IPERION HS. The single-entry contact point - operated through a dedicated userhelpdesk ( – supports users and potential users. The developed efficient communication strategies and toolkits are ensuring coordinated and consistent outreach with global impact.