CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Users can approach data through map and analyse it using geographic tools (T10.1 and 10.2)
Implementation of EHRI services for micro-archives (in iterations)T11.2 will iteratively develop dedicated services for micro-archival communities with final implementation by M36.
Thematic dashboardsTechnical implementation and testing of the Dashboard (T10.2)
The WP will develop guidelines for integrating regional communities related initiatives and integrating new research communities in four particular countries Poland Slovakia Italy and Romania
Launch of Massive Open Online CourseLaunch of the Massive Open Online Course and report on its content-related and technical set-up.
Publication repositoryIn addition to the document repository using other successful repositories of publications as a model a repository will be designed for the hosting and storage of the full text of articles relating to Holocaust research and the use of digital methods in Holocaust studies that will be accessible to EHRI stakeholders
Guidelines for supporting local Holocaust research and archive networksThis deliverable will reflect the results of the activities undertaken in T42 between M1M14 which will develop an EHRI ambassador network including a work methodology a portfolio of services and a marketing methodology for the EHRI mobile experts lab
An assessment of partners experiences with the implementation of the GDPR and its consequences for their archival practices
Report on long-term preservation of Holocaust digital objects: localised assessments and consultancyThis deliverable will gather, through a combination of interviews, surveys, and selfassessment instruments, a set of factors and conditions affecting long-term viability of Holocaust data objects. A number of institutions, including large and small, and including EHRI itself, will be contacted and encouraged to participate, anonymously if necessary. A report of findings will be delivered in M36.
Updated Data Management PlanThe initial Data Management Plan, which will be created in M6, will be updated in M36.
This deliverable will form the basis of a comprehensive EHRI3 Data Management Plan regulating the collection creation curation preservation and reusage of EHRI datasets
García González, Herminio; Dimou, Anastasia
Published in:, Issue 1, 2022
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