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Media Motor Europe

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Support cycle's call report v3

This set of three deliverables will report on the results of the three respective open calls They will include statistics such as applications received applications accepted matchings and relevant procurements identified

Selection’s quality criteria and scoring methodology

This deliverable contains the different selection criteria and the scoring methodology that will be used to select the highest-potential startups/scaleups to join the programme. It is an outcome of Task 2.2.

First version of hubs activity report

This intermediate report summarized the activities that have taken place in and across the different hubs, related to the cross-growth, opportunity spotting and inspiration journeys organized by the hubs.

Offering and request templates

This deliverable contains the initial templates which will be used for the open calls. The templates will be published on the MME platform and will provide startups the opportunity to engage in MME. The templates might be revised for the second and third open call as needed. This deliverable is an outcome of task 2.1.

Cross Coach Handbook

An internal handbook to streamline coaching activities in the programme between the hubs. It is an output of task 3.1. The handbook will be updated as a living document adding insights from the implementation of the programme.

Cross-coaching activity report v1

Report of the Cross Coaching activities delivered to each StartUp / ScaleUp recruited by the programme, including Deep-Tech on Stage report: public information on each event including: participant startups/ scaleups and their profiles, other registered participants (by category), experts panel, main event numbers, link to blogs and press releases and all other relevant information from the event (M15, M18, M24).

Internal communication platform

This deliverable will contain a report on the initial internal communication systems that have been put in place to allow the MediaMotorEurope consortium to efficiently communicate with each other. They will be linked with the MediaMotorEurope platform (task 1.5).

Dissemination Report v1

An outline of the activities undertaken to promote MediaMotorEurope for deep tech scaleups, including graphical material.

Final hubs activity report

This final report will contain the activities that have taken place in and across the different hubs related to the crossgrowth opportunity spotting and inspiration journeys organized by the hubs

Cross-coaching activity report v2

Report on the crosscoaching and deep tech on stage activities in the second programme cycle

Final dissemination Report

A final report on the project dissemination activities

Quality assurance plan

This deliverable will contain an overview of the quality assurance methods and systems that have been put in place to assure a high quality on all outputs of the MediaMotorEurope project.

Support cycle’s call report v2

This set of three deliverables will report on the results of the three respective open calls. They will include statistics such as applications received, applications accepted, matchings and relevant procurements identified

Final cross-coaching activity report

Report on the crosscoaching and deep tech on stage activities in the third and final programme cycle

Support cycle’s call report v1

This set of three deliverables will report on the results of the three respective open calls. They will include statistics such as applications received, applications accepted, matchings and relevant procurements identified

Aggregated calls report

This deliverable will be an aggregated report summarizing the engagement and selection process in during the three open calls

MediaMotor Platform v.2

The second and final version of the platform including both the updated “gateway” functionality and in the “internal collaboration” functionality.

MediaMotor Platform v.1

The first version of the platform including only the first instance of the “gateway” functionality.

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