Periodic Reporting for period 2 - DEL4ALL (Digital Enhanced Learning for ALL)
Período documentado: 2021-01-01 hasta 2022-04-30
Objective 1 – To stimulate, coordinate and support the creation of a collaborative and sustainable ecosystem, consisting of linked communities, knowledge, tools and services, offered in the form of a living hub for informed and active participation of all target DEL stakeholders, by supporting relevant projects and activities across Europe, help disseminating their results, while integrating efforts with the NGI initiative.
Objective 2 – To gather, analyse and map major scientific insights and technological outputs and solutions produced by EU-funded projects in digital learning and major related initiatives, so as to create a solid basis of knowledge from which to articulate lessons learnt, exploitation opportunities, best practices and success stories that will provide critical indications on how to best generate impact on society.
Objective 3 – To define the research and innovation strategy for DEL efforts in Europe, steering the community through the dynamic technical, organisational and legal landscape evolution, while providing critical guidance and recommendations on priorities and challenges until 2030, by accounting for opportunities and challenges brought along by advanced technologies such as blockchains, AI, VR/AR, etc
WP1:Developed a data model for educational technology activity based on a bottom-up methodology to ensure inclusive data collection (D1.1) Developed and enhanced the DEL4ALL online aggregator. Designed the DEL4ALL Technology vs. Education Matrix based on the developed data model, submitted D1.3 of the Matrix based on analysis of data collected through engagement and outreach across various segments of the DEL community. Analysed DEL landscape data to identify activity and diversity of use cases for particular technology families, to inform research and policy recommendations (D1.4) and best practice identification, then analysed DEL4ALL expert responses and examined use case with the result being the identification of four subthemes, the 4Ps (Pedagogical, Personal, Public, and Practical) that constitute a notion of “best practice” in Digital Education (D1.5). Adapted the above models and methodology in response to emerging educational technology needs and COVID-19.
WP2: Launch of the DEL4ALL website at M1 and completion of the project portal by M8 with 8710 unique visitors and 21,448 page views until end of PP2. Definition of the Community Building and Communication Strategy (D2.2). 551 DEL stakeholders curated in Stakeholder Engagement and Community Building Repository Editing and publishing 4 DEL4ALL Newsletters and 2 newsflashes. 15 interviews with DEL experts realised and disseminated. Editing and publishing of 26 DEL4ALL videos (e.g. based on experts’ interviews; webinar recordings, etc.) with 27 views per video on average. 3 online surveys disseminated among the DEL4ALL experts’ community, advisory board, and higher education stakeholders, resulting in 2 research reports and 2 white papers. Events organisation: 5 webinars and cafe talks, 3 thematic internal workshops, 2 external DEL4ALL workshops (EC-TEL and LEARNTEC) and 1 final conference and workshop engaging DEL4ALL experts, advisory board members and other DEL stakeholders. Events participation & DEL4ALL presentation at: LEARNTEC 2020, Digital Education Workshop, Workshop on European digital education platforms, 8th International Conference on Future Learning and Informatics, LearnML - Connected Learning & the Education Crisis, eLearning SUMMIT United Kingdom. Establishment of liaisons and synergies with other EU and national DEL initiatives (e.g. Impact EdTech, NGI, EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum, EUROPASS, European Blockchain), e.g. via cross-fertilisation and content sharing, panelist engagement in DEL4ALL events; during the second reporting period, participation to Netzwerk Digitale Nachweise community regular meeting, Learning from Cologne's decision-makers from the crisis - digital resilience for the future, 1st ASEF Higher Education Innovation Lab (ASEFINNOLAB1), DEL4ALL “learning software of the future” workshop at LEARNTEC xCHANGE 2021, Recommendations for a research agenda for the future of digital learning community DEL4ALL workshop at EC-TEL 2021, European Cultural Heritage Summit, ICEDU Best practice workshop. Establishing high reach through Twitter (586 followers & 1020 tweets until 30 April 2022), YouTube (706 views until 30 April 2022) & the DEL4ALL newsletter (175 subscribers) in order to strengthen and promote DEL4ALL activities.
WP3: Development of the DEL Experts’ catalogue with 102 engaged experts, including the mapping of user profiles to the DEL4ALL Technology vs Education Matrix, and interrelation of experts with relevant projects, initiatives and technologies identified in D3.3 Experts Catalogue final version. Conduction of 15 expert interviews Conduction of 9 surveys, analysis of survey results and documentation in two white papers, and three deliverables: D3.4 DEL Research Agenda - Challenges and Priorities Organisation, D3.5 DEL Research Agenda - Challenges and Priorities (v2.0) and D3.6 DEL Roadmap and Policy Recommendations. participation in relevant DEL events Identification of strategic priorities and the initial set of prioritised research and policy questions and recommendations.
WP4: Set up the project handbook Conduct regular GA meetings Review KPIs, Deliverables and risks. Interact with the EC on regular activities, as well as additional tasks due to COVID-19. Set up, liaise with, coordinate the activities of the Advisory Board Monitor project progress. In PP2 submission of D4.4,D4.5 Data Management Plan v2 and final. Close monitoring and implementation of new outreach plan and engagement with the Advisory Board.
This realignment broadens DEL4ALL perspective, considering the original impacts in a more generalised way. The better awareness and understanding of how digital education relates to specific learning contexts and the expansion of the relevant technologies portfolio jointly act as facilitators for the “Increase in the number of distributed learning solutions for children with special educational needs.” and the “Increase in the overall uptake of technology for personalised and inclusive learning for all, regardless of their age, gender or other socio-economic factors.” impacts.
The consortium has produced a new Outreach Plan and executed a modified engagement-centric strategy that strived to connect to and engage with different relevant communities, from academic conferences to EdTech actors, to education practitioners in multiple levels, thereby contributing to the expected impact “liaisons to live communities”.