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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Emerging indUstries new value chains boosted by small Flying Objects

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Report on communication and dissemination activities (2) CLUJ IT

Report on the communication and dissemination activities including KPIs for the period M16M30

Communication, dissemination and exploitation plan

The plan will facilitate the promotion of UFO activities, partnership and results and will be guideline for communication and dissemination activities throughout the project implementation

FSTP scheme implementation report (1)

This deliverable will expose the methodology developed and followed in order to monitor the implementation of the granted projects and will provide insights on several figures such as the progress of the FSTP scheme implementation and distribution of budget to the SMEs

SMEs Call for proposals

This deliverable will provide the text of the call for SMEs including all aspects that the applicants shall take into consideration along with complementary documents and related information to the call including the assessment methodology.

– Report on communication and dissemination activities (1)

Report on the communication and dissemination activities including KPIs for the period M1-M15

FSTP scheme implementation report (2)

This deliverable will provide insights on several figures such as the progress of the FSTP scheme implementation and distribution of budget to the SMEs until M33

Portfolio of SFO use-cases, value-chains and application priorities

Highlighting of the market opportunities for SFO based solutions.

UFO communication materials: logo, roll-up, brochure, cover of the project deliverables, template for power point presentation of the project, project video

UFO logo will be designed in order to create the visual identity of the partnership. A roll up will be designed and printed to be used during the awareness workshops and other regional and national events. A UFO brochure will be designed and printed by partners. It will be distributed on different events and workshops. The template for power point presentation will be created in order to be used by project partners on different events to present the project

Project Showcase Event

A project event where organisations that have received funding from the project showcase their findings and develop new opportunities for collaboration and exploitation

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