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Airport airside and runway throughput

Periodic Reporting for period 4 - PJ02-W2 AART (Airport airside and runway throughput)

Période du rapport: 2023-01-01 au 2023-06-30

PJ02-AART project aimed to improve the efficiency & resilience of arrival & departure operations at capacity-constrained airports and access to secondary airports by delivering operational and technical improvements to enhance infrastructure and increase throughput whilst providing environmental benefits and preserving safety.
AART consisted of 32 solutions deployable independently organised in 5 WPs that addressed human, technical, procedural and performance aspects as follows:
•WP3 (Advanced geometric GNSS based procedures in the TMA) consisted of 3 solutions covering the implementation of curved GNSS based operations in up to medium-high complexity TMA operations, including large airport operations. Using more GNSS and advanced PBN curved approach & departure procedures with the development of new support tools for ATC and airspace design concepts will increase TMA efficiency and lead to increased runway throughput, predictability and environmental benefits. All solutions reached V2 maturity.
•WP 4 (Evolution of separation minima for increased runway throughput) consisted of 15 solutions aiming to refine separation minima as function of operational conditions, improving efficiency and increasing runway throughput in capacity constrained airports whilst maintaining, potentially improving, safety and environmental impact.
Enhanced Arrival Operations allow for environmental benefits whilst providing potential runway throughput gains. The 3 solutions reached V3 maturity. Static-Pairwise Wake Separations for arrivals and departures were expanded and the methodology refined to cover new a/c. The completed safety case will support regulatory approval and facilitate deployment. The solutions reached V3+.
WP4 also covered arrival & departure solutions that use advanced technologies and/or Big Data/Machine Learning (BD/ML) techniques to further optimise wake & Runway Occupancy Time separation minima using more accurate, dynamic flight and/or environmental data. Advanced technologies and/or BD/ML techniques were used to optimise tools to improve separation delivery including separation delegation to the flight crew.
The corresponding solutions reached V2/TRL4 (4 solutions) or V2 ongoing (6 solutions).
• WP5 (Improved access to secondary airports) consisted of 7 solutions aiming to improve the availability and accessibility of airports with limited infrastructure in low visibility conditions. These seven solutions made up two complementary approaches. From ground perspective, Alternative Ground Surveillance was matured to increase runway safety in a cost-efficient way. From an airborne perspective, Enhanced Flight Vision System and Synthetic Vision Guidance System, Combined Vision System and LPV-100 capability were matured to improve approach and landing operations in low visibility conditions. From these solutions, airborne navigation capability to achieve LPV-100/CAT II approach reached TRL4, improved runway operations reached V3 ongoing and the others reached V2 ongoing maturity.
• WP6 (Digital evolution of integrated surface management) consisted of 5 solutions aiming to improve predictability, human performance, safety, and controller productivity. The extension of the A-SMGCS Safety Support, Routing, and Guidance function will positively impact the final approach, taxi and departure phases. Adoption of Datalink for surface vehicles reduces frequency occupancy. Automation, Virtual Stop Bar & guidance will allow a safer management of vehicle and flight operations in any weather conditions.
2 solutions reached V3, the others V3 ongoing.
• WP7 (Safety support tools for avoiding runway excursions) consisted of 2 solutions aiming to prevent a risks of runway excursions by providing most up-to-date information about runway surface condition, so providing safety benefits. One solution reached V3 while the other is stopped as not delivering the expected benefits.
WP7 solutions improves safety. Sol 25.1 improves also human performance KPA, while 25.2 was stopped due to negative impact on HP KPA.
Along the project, all solutions developed or refined their operational concept and technical requirements, and performed validation activities to assess their concept. According to the maturity of the solutions and to the concepts, validation techniques varied from fast time simulations to real time ATC or flight simulations. The solutions also developed safety, human performance, environment and/or performance reports. In addition, most of the solution performed a cost-benefit analysis.
At the end of the project, 2 solutions are V3+, 6 solutions are V3, 8 reached V2/RTL4, 4 are V3 ongoing, 10 are V2 ongoing and 2 are stopped as not delivering the expected benefits or as not being feasible.
Communication and dissemination activities have been performed through visitor’s days at validations, videos, posters, leaflets and meeting with ANS Providers, Airports and Air Space users. The project organised a final event where each solution was presented on a stand.
For the solutions that achieved V3 level of maturity at the end of the project, preparation for deployment will commence from 2023 onwards. After deployment, the social impact will be an increase in traffic throughput at both capacity constrained airports and secondary airports in all environmental conditions leading to improved resilience and efficiency as well as providing environmental benefits whilst preserving safety.
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