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Widening Sino‐EU policy and research cooperation in Personalised Medicine

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SINO-EU-PerMed (Widening Sino‐EU policy and research cooperation in Personalised Medicine)

Período documentado: 2022-01-01 hasta 2023-06-30

Personalised medicine (PM) approaches have immense potential to improve the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and prevention strategies by taking into account an individual's genotype and phenotype, biomedical, lifestyle or environmental data. PM is about improving people's lives, fighting diseases and preventing them at an early stage. PM therefore requires a holistic approach that can only be achieved through a global effort. The International Consortium for Personalised Medicine (ICPerMed) is an initiative of more than 40 international ministries and funding agencies, driven by their member states. ICPerMed aims to align efforts in all areas of PM by promoting international coordination of research and innovation funding. To support these efforts, the "Widening Sino-EU policy and research cooperation in Personalised Medicine" (Sino-EU PerMed) aims to link ICPerMed strategies and activities with relevant Chinese stakeholders. The cooperation with China established and planned in Sino-EU PerMed will allow ICPerMed to further strengthen Europe's leading role in this field. It will also contribute to the successful implementation of PM in a global context and promote joint PM projects between Europe and China.
The project brings together the main PM related stakeholders in Europe and China within the consortium itself, but even more through the implementation of the activities. Together, they are working towards the following specific objectives

• To gain knowledge and understanding of the scientific and policy landscape and its main players within PerMed in China.
• To engage relevant PerMed stakeholders in China and Europe and discuss the main needs and barriers for PerMed research and policy implementation.
• To involve stakeholders in China and in Europe from many provinces and countries, covering existing excellence and diversity in both regions and reducing existing gaps.
• To analyse the potential and advantages of collaboration in PerMed between China and EU countries.
• To build links between Chinese and European organisations and research centres with an interest in PerMed R&I and policy and to foster their participation in ICPerMed and the ICPerMed Action Plan.
• To analyse and discuss with major Chinese stakeholders the way forward to integrate China in the ICPerMed challenge groups, workshops, conferences and other events and initiatives.
• To contribute to raising awareness of PerMed and to promote the establishment of international standards in cooperation with ICPerMed.
• To disseminate and communicate project activities and main results.
The project is divided into 5 work packages. WP1 focuses on the day-to-day management of the project. This includes the preparation of a data management plan and a quality assurance plan. During the reporting period, the Sino-EU PerMed website was regularly updated. Joint newsletter together with IC2PerMed was published in English and Chinees one per year. The first face-to-face General Assembly was held in Bonn, Germany in November 2022. Regular online consortium meetings have been held. Information exchange with ICPerMed, IC2PerMed and the EC has taken place.

WP2 represents the strategic start of the project. A stakeholder workshop was held in February 2022, followed by the publication of the Sino-EU PerMed Policy Brief. The mapping of the year 2020 has been updated and the online database has been developed.

WP3 is dedicated to the networking of Chinese stakeholders with ICPerMed and the exchange between R&I. The first Clover Leaf tour took place in Europe in April 2023. The exchange with relevant Chinese organisations has been facilitated.

In WP4 is the knowledge hub of the project. 3 workshops were organised in the reporting period. Two online workshops and one hybrid workshop. Regular exchanges with the Sino-EU S&T Taskforce.

WP5 focused on ethical aspects.
By the end of the project, an overview of the Chinese PM landscape should have been created. A lively exchange between European and Chinese experts in personalised medicine should have taken place and a network should have been established. This networking should lead to an improvement of the PM structures in both regions and create an awareness of the different approaches that can be learnt to improve the well-being of the population.Two important outcomes are the R&D policy briefs and the ELSA policy brief, which will have an impact even after the end of the projects. They will be implemented in the new Partnership for Personalised Medicine, which will be launched in January 2024. The Clover Leaf tour will have an impact on the PM network between Europe and China and lay the ground for fruitful cooperations.
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