Periodic Reporting for period 4 - HEAVENN (Hydrogen Energy Applications for Valley Environments in Northern Netherlands)
Reporting period: 2023-01-01 to 2023-12-31
- Two H2 pipelines under development in Delfzijl. The first will connect the Delta to the existing infrastructure. The second will connect the (to be built) 20 MW DJEWELS 1 electrolyser to the BioMCN factory and will be prepared for third party connections and extensions for other offtakers.
Completed tasks in 2023:
• Several talks with potential users of the H2 infrastructure.
• Coordination meetings with Hynetwork Services to address issues regarding the H2 transport system.
- Trailer fill facility: location confirmed, safety study conducted, implementation of necessary modifications to the NOU process and pipeline infrastructure started, initial concept design and engineering of the site concluded, discussions on the collaboration between partners on H2 supply-transport-use chain are ongoing. H2 Hub will take its FID in Q2 of 2024.
- The H2 ship is refueled by container swapping
- The ship is fueled by container swap system so a dockside refueling facility was no longer needed.
- H2 Salt barge: The ship is succesfully under way
Cluster II
- GAS successfully conducted first static tests and demonstrated H2 can be safely stored in salt caverns. Connections specification study completed, covering various options, considering different market situations/developments, and scalability of design, resulting in a plot plan and capacity range definition. Design and site lay-out for next H2 caverns in progress. in 2023 they held a succesful public awareness event about the salt cavern storage.
- FC-based power system at data centre: Much of the year has been taken up with conversations about the optimal type of h2 system to place at Bytesnet that would fill all obligations while also being a feasible test product generating enough power for Bytesnet.
- Hoogeveen: building of the newly built houses has started. All permits and contract in place. in 2023 the first pipeline was laid with a public event to support it, and the building has started officially. Hoogeveen has been in talks with Clean H2 JU about the amount of houses included in the project scope.
Cluster III
Shell looks into building an R&I electrolyser.
- H2 pipeline between GETEC and GZI: Pipeline is installed, not yet operational.
- Detail design, site layout, and permit application for HRS completed. Launching customer secured.
- T2.4.5: infrastructure study completed, burner conversion study completed, procurement of subcontracters in preparation. Combustion system of gas turbine modified to process 18 volumes % H2. Currently waiting for H2 supply.
Cluster IV
- Procurement of trucks and vans underway. The trucks suffered a setback due to difficulties at the supplier side.
- Procurement of H2 taxis 80% completed, 100% will be reached before 2025.
- 4 of 100 H2 passenger vehicles procured.
- Location development for the HRSes ongoing. One location is agreed upon: Groningen Airport Eelde will receive one landside HRS.
- Studies considering the economic conditions, for wide-scale commercialization of green H2 and for optimum operation of an integrated H2 Valley in the Northern Netherlands, have been developed.
- Development of business models continued with further definition of methodology and specific business cases. ENER has focused their work on literature research, and data gathering from partners with RUG.
- General methodology for development of environmental and socioeconomic impact analysis of the project was established and scope and potential cut-off criteria for analyses were preliminarily determined.
-The preliminary study has been carried out including the Social Life Cycle Assessment methodology study. A dedicated data base including social indicators has been acquired by FHa.
- Work on EU replication has started based on previous information and experiences from projects like BIGHIT and the H2Territories Platform (HTP). HTP has been launched and demonstrated.
- Elaborate study on the scale-up possibilities of H2 production at ENGIE Eemshaven site delivered and disseminated.
- Assessments done about feasibility of positioning a 20-50MW electrolyser at GZI Next Emmen plot.
- Gasunie conducted studies interconnecting H2 infrastructure.
- Study underway into potential use of salt caverns for large scale H2 storage.
- Study delivered on potential of Liquid H2 in Eemshaven/Delfzijl.
- Market export study delivered.
- Three H2 mobility studies completed.
- Roadmap towards 2050 under development.
The smaller applications such as mobility face a similar difficult situation, with hydrogen scarce to come by and prices only now coming back from a very high price point. Purchasing mobility applications is sometimes easier for some partners especially when it concerns light duty vehicles. Heavy duty vehicles have a high error margin and are considered not as efficient as their Diesel counterparts. Combined with the high h2 price, this means that for partners it is sometimes a hard task to still purchase their vehicles.
The barge boat is a very great success from the HEAVENN project, it is currently sailing on h2 and will start sharing data soon. Container swapping is now used for more marine applications and seems to be the right choice for this project.
The underground h2 storage cavern is so far succesful and looks a promising part of the backbone.
The housing area in Hoogeveen is progressing well, even though this project had to scale back in size due to costs constrains.
The work packages related to research are progressing to schedule.
The largest impact of the HEAVENN project so far is in inspiring other potential valleys and hydrogen projects. We are pro-active in sharing knowledge and information and in building new valleys and connecting valleys. HEAVENN is well-known and appreciated by other valley initiatives.