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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE


Descripción del proyecto

Un nuevo programa informático para calcular valores inmobiliarios más rápido

Para calcular el valor de mercado previsto de los inmuebles comerciales se emplean fórmulas financieras avanzadas. Se trata de un proceso complicado, largo y muy caro. El mercado requiere unas valoraciones rápidas e informes financieros precisos. El modelo de valoración automatizada de Exquance (XQ AVM) es un programa informático avanzado que ejecuta cálculos financieros rápidos para bienes inmobiliarios. Además, reduce los gastos en un 95 %. El proyecto XQ AVM, financiado con fondos europeos, está orientado a dicho sector inmobiliario. Basándose en el modelo de negocios de un SaaS (software como servicio), se ofrece en forma de suscripción y suministra información directa a los clientes. El XQ AVM está pensado para los mercados de Asia y la UE.


Current practices in financial valuation of commercial properties are based on manual processes. Automation is needed to help companies on everyday financial modelling, collaboration, valuation and reporting tasks. Exquance Sofware Oy offers a game changing solution: Software platform with a unique calculation engine and breakthrough innovative Exquance Automated Valuation Model (XQ AVM) calculates property valuations without human intervention. The innovation creates 95% costs savingscompared to current costs of valuation of any building. Delivery time is only some minutes compared to several hours with current methods. Immediate gains in operative efficiency, and enhancing the quality of financial modelling, and internal and external reporting, are reached. Competitive
niche-oriented solutions are based on normalised data and not scalable.
The first phase solutions are targeted to professional players in the €8,000M software market of the real estate investment industry, the solution is scalable to all investment markets globally. The business model is SaaS, transaction-based per purchased appraisal report. The shareable content makes it possible to reach clients' customers and partner companies and opens up the viral, network based user acquisition channel.
Exquance Software Oy develops innovative solutions for commercial property valuation and investment management aiming to be the leading vendor of industrial, financial modelling and AVM solutions in the EU and Asia. Dedicated team of 26 professionals in software development, business management with an in-depth understanding of real estate investment industry, and international sales. The company has realised €1M revenue to date and €600k equity investments. Company has strong client base; 13 effective client agreements with major industry players, and 300 clients have expressed their interest in the XQ AVM innovation.
The impacts will be reaching 10 000 clients and creating €40M revenue and 400 jobs by 2023.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 50 000,00

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Organización definida por ella misma como pequeña y mediana empresa (pyme) en el momento de la firma del acuerdo de subvención.

Manner-Suomi Helsinki-Uusimaa Helsinki-Uusimaa
Tipo de actividad
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 71 429,00