Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ELAPHARMA (A novel approach of organ preservation using anti-necrosis agent before transplantation.)
Reporting period: 2019-09-01 to 2019-12-31
a. The technical feasibility of ElaPharma - we have defined a complete Roadmap, Execution Plan and Risk Analysis, which comprises all the necessary activities to scale-up ElaPharma from lab to industrial production. This includes 1) all technical aspect to reach ElaPharma TRL8; 2) the regulatory strategy plan for obtaining marketing clearance/approval and 3) possible measures for scale-up production were identified.
b. The economic feasibility of ElaPharma with foreseen sales of 184,750 Units of solution (1 Litres bags) and a 21% of global transplantation (conservative scenario). Overall this would translate into €13.4 million net profit accumulated by our company in the 5 years post-market launch (2023-2027) and a payback period of 2 year post-commercialisation (by 2025).
c. The commercial feasibility of ElaPharma, providing a clear roadmap to follow for a successful commercialization, communication and dissemination during the project and beyond. Phase 1 has allowed identifying key mitigation contingency procedure to ElaPharma regulation and has allow to draw a preliminary strategy for communication and dissemination. Furthermore we have identified key partners that would foster our commercial development (e.g. Biological Industries, PharmaHungary). Phase 1 has also allowed to: a) confirm by a FTO assessment that no patents block ElaPharma commercial development; b) plan the intellectual property strategy and; c) identify the dissemination and distribution channel instruments for a successful commercialization.
b. Reducing the cost for transplantation. Organ procurement and transport averages around €90 000 per patient due to round-the-clock fast delivery (fast jet or helicopter flights) and on-call surgery. Post-transplant outcomes and complications due to extra time limit for additional laboratory test (serology, HLA matching…) before transplantation reach €115 000 per patient. ElaPharma i) eliminate the need for costly jet and helicopter flights to immediately transport; ii) reduce the need for on-call surgical staff and operating and; iii) Reduce readmission for complications by increasing transplant efficacy.
c. A new way to treat necrosis-related disease. Ela Pharma is a company engaged in the development of innovative drugs that address clinical conditions caused by necrosis. The drug development process is based on a new and ground-breaking platform for Anti-Necrosis Technology. Not only anti-necrosis agent can increase the duration of organ but also be applied in numerous other sectors. We expect ElaPharma to also open new markets in the prevention and treatment of necrosis as it is significant to the therapy of numerous pathological conditions and diseases such as Myocardial Infarction, Ischemic diseases, Brain stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury and Neurodegenerative Diseases, Liver failure, Chronic Hepatitis, Pancreatitis and Acute Macular Degeneration which may represent a global market opportunity of €240 billion.