Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CAARESYS (CAARESYS: vehicle passenger monitoring system based on contactless low emission radio frequency radar.)
Période du rapport: 2019-06-01 au 2019-11-30
Caaresys focused on a very significant problem: forgotten (trapped) children in cars, that may die from hyperthermia.
To finalize 2019, only in the USA were 53 cases that children died in “Hot cars”. There is no official statistics for the tragedies, but it significant numbers. These dies are tragedies for families that could be prevented by smart systems developed and supported by Automakers and suppliers. The problem also related to pets (dogs and cats) that may be trapped in a vehicle.
The overall objectives were the feasibility studies for the opportunity of “child presence detection system” (CPD) to be launched in automotive market as a product, and were focused on 3 areas:
• Technical and practical feasibility (SO1)
• Commercial and business feasibility (SO2)
• Financial feasibility (SO3)
The major factor of detecting human or pet in a car is detecting small body movements with the resolution and abilities to sense harmonic signs = vital signs-> heart rate and respiration rate.
Caaresys approach was to check the ability of Radar technology monitoring vital signs in cabin.
We performed tests in Caaresys LAB with different radar systems and output was that Radar (RF) technology is able to detect small movements and once there are harmonics, we can assume that it is vital signs.
The feedback from the “real” customers was very positive. To conclude massage from the customers: The Caaresys system is very relevant for market and to fit USA and EU regulations. The system: performance, estimated BOM (Bill of material) costs, size, and the ability to detect up to 1 min, very high detection accuracy, and variety system installation location – provide a significant advantage for next steps with customers.
The first financial feasibility is that Caaresys engaged with customers with Four (4) paid test projects with customers. For Caaresys it was a significant milestone that “Big” automotive customers are interesting to test the system and paying for this money. It is a really validation test for the system.
The system development steps:
Q2 - Q3 2020 Prototype B
Q4 2020 – Q1 2021 Prototype C
Q2 2021 – Final test and certification
Q4 2021 – Q1 2022 – Launching the product.
The product will be built in car mass production and be able to monitor cabin and prevent children been forgotten in cars. The system will scientifically reduce the number of children/pets dies in the cars.