Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SUD (Making Building Systems Simple)
Reporting period: 2019-08-01 to 2019-11-30
SUD (Stillemans Universal Dock) is an innovative solution to install and manage sensors in buildings and other environments effectively. Our final product is an integrated system that consists of four main modules: Profile, Gateway, Sensors and APP.
Our key differentiators with respect competitors are:
• Direct power and connectivity to sensors
• Prepared to work in harsh environmental conditions
• Long strip: high flexibility to locate sensors
• Easy integration with furniture that implies a radical reduction in costs
Technological Conclusions
• We have identified the technologies that our product need to become a well-finished product, and they are feasible.
• SUD rely on technologies that will allow scaling-up.
• Our product complies with all the regulations required to operate in the market.
Commercial conclusions
• There are relevant market segments suitable for SUD use, concluding that the potential market is enormous.
• We have selected the following uses cases to enter into the market: nursing homes and pig and poultry farms.
• We will turn to distributors to reach the market. Convincing the decision-makers will be crucial for a good acceptance from the market.
Financial conclusions
• SUD is profitable under our realistic assumptions and will create substantial value for shareholders.
• SUD will imply a significant creation of jobs in our company.