Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Keenious (Keenious - Recommendation Engine Research Tool)
Reporting period: 2019-10-01 to 2020-03-31
The main value for society generated from this project is the development of an easy-to-use online researching tool that will help enable people to go further with their academic endeavors, fostering new research that adds to the world's wealth of knowledge.
The overall objectives of this project were to explore the optimal way of acquiring users and commercializing the online researching tool by approaching universities and students. The conclusions from the actions performed are knowledge that universities are very interested in the tool, making a B2B2C business model that builds upon selling volume licenses to universities as well as having a freemium version for individual users the most optimal business strategy.
The results from the feasibility study are that Keenious have started multiple projects with research organizations with the purpose of testing and receiving feedback on the research tool. Together with a large university Keenious are also starting an extensive pilot project. Keenious have also identified freemium as the optimal B2C model, and what new features should be developed based on feedback from the project studies.
The main societal impact of this project will take place on the subsequent launch of a full product. The goal of Keenious is to help as many students and researchers with their education and research as possible. With the online researching tool, both new and experienced researchers will find more relevant and more accurate research articles, within a fraction of the time required to do it manually. The tool will also give benefits to businesses and organizations by improving their R&D&I ventures and processes.