Periodic Reporting for period 2 - BA-AC (Cloud-based Airport Operations Planning tool with holistic forecasting of airport allocation planning.)
Reporting period: 2020-10-01 to 2021-09-30
Despite the corona crisis, airport operators are left with two options to achieve future growth: either investing in expanding the airport in size or optimizing the utilization of existing resources to increase efficiency. Given this crisis's size, we expect that CAPEX investments will be lower in the years to come, prioritizing investment in optimizing current infrastructure. New EU initiatives are also pushing airport operators to adopt data-driven solutions, as current systems have minimal ability to share and apply operational planning information across stakeholders. As a result, airport operators need a solution that combines all airport operational aspects into a holistic overview.
Better Airport® is the first cloud-based, holistic, next-generation RMS solution, providing airport operators with an AI-driven, easy-to-use solution which efficiently and effectively creates optimized operational plans, enabling informed decision making across airport stakeholders. Using advanced mathematical models and based on years of consultancy within airport operations, Better Airport® covers the entire value chain, from passenger check-in, security, and border control to baggage handling and aircraft allocation. Our cloud-based approach allows all stakeholders to access information wherever, whenever, increasing efficiency across operations and ultimately saving airports at least €10m/year, while also driving the EU goal of a Single European Sky. Better Airport® will allow airport operators to forecast, plan, and interact with airports in between, connecting all airports with one system.
The BA-AC project built upon upscaling our validated prototype. Most of our efforts were focused on technology maturation, piloting, and market maturation, specifically on the maturation and integration of Better Aircraft, into Better Airport®, and performing large-scale piloting at three major airports, advancing our current prototype from TRL7 to TRL 9.
Despite COVID-19, both our development and sales teams have progressed with their respective agendas developing and maturing Better Airport, adapting to the new market trends, and searching for new leads and opportunities to increase our product sales and expand our business globally. Furthermore, we have maintained our client base in addition to adding new airports to our Better Airport partner base. We are proud to say that more than 500 million passengers per anno go through airports planned in Better Airport® during normal traffic levels (pre-COVID).
To conclude, even though the airport industry is facing one of their most significant crises in history, the team at Copenhagen Optimization has been able to adapt to the challenges and continue to help airports around the globe. We are on the way to delivering a new and innovative product to the industry. The product Better Airport® has already proven itself valuable in managing volatile airport management as seen during the pandemic. We continue to support and enhance airport operations worldwide as thought leaders and solution providers to the industry.
Ultimately, as more and more airports implement integrated RMS, Better Airport® will lead the way for interconnectivity between airports, allowing further transparency and collaboration airports in between, not only enriching airport operational management and strategy, but also in the end, heightening the experience for passengers. With Better Airport®, airports will obtain a solution that enables decision making at both the operational, tactical, and strategic levels, which will lead to a more efficient daily operation and ensure that the airport can cope with future growth.
Better Airport® can support optimal operations planning also in a COVID-19 context as it integrates seamlessly with airport systems to create operational plans for the entire airport operation. This secures situational awareness and proactive planning and during COVID-19 this has meant that airports such as London Heathrow, Copenhagen, Stansted, Singapore Changi, and many more have been able to create optimized check-in counters opening plans that reflect counters unavailable due to physical distancing, balance allocation of flights, and bags to baggage reclaim belts to distribute passengers across the available area and avoid formation of crowds and queues.
With a total market of 575 airports, we expect 5 years post project, to reach a market share of 17.7%, totaling 102 client airports, an annual recurring revenue of €10m, creating 20 new full-time employee positions.