CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
The guidelines shall be published as a wiki Mediawiki engine and associated code samples will be downloadable
CDM online repository, containing the CDM, and documentationIt will published as online MediaWiki The CDM itself shall be composed of UML class diagrams grouped in packages and available in jpg eap and xmi formats The geographical aspect will be covered by this deliverable
Rail Business services software and external services web clientsSoftware clients developed in T5.1, T5.2, T5.5 and T5.6, Web clients developed in T5.3 and T5.4: Architecture, testing procedure and results.
Procedure documentation for Application Framework's integration with ILA report including the setup procedure of Application Framework integration with its configuration and testing procedure as done in T58 Moreover this report will include an operative manual about how to install and test a generic TMS service into the Application Framework An example of at least one TMS service with source code will be provided
Procedure documentation for Operator Workstation's integration with ILA report including setup procedure of Operator’s Workstation integration done in T5.7, guidelines to develop GUIs linked to the Integration Layer and some GUIs code source as example. The GUIs examples are developed in T5.7.
HW/SW delivery of IL and AF serversThe deliverable will document the outcomes of the T3.3: Description of delivered and configured SW and HW, checking results.
HW/SW delivery of Operator WorkstationsThe deliverable will document the outcomes of the T3.2: Description of delivered and configured SW and HW, checking results.
Mitigation actions for the first level support provided during installation, commissioning and testing phase of the prototypes of the S2R X2RAIL2/4 prototypesThis report will include the outcomes the first level support provided to S2R members experimenting their prototypes into the demonstrator, and any requested modification to the demonstrator, as performed in T2.3.
Integration Layer ServicesThe integration layer services logging authentication authorization and basic persistence
Integration Layer APIThe integration layer API and its implementation with functions to set and get data through the Integration Layer
Report including the analysis and the requirements of Rail Business services software and external services performed during the first phase of T5 18
Design documentIntegration Layer High level Design document with a coverage matrix according to In2Rail requirements
Report on system architectureThis report will illustrate the overall system architecture as reported during technical coordination activities of T21 and alignment with other linked S2R projects of T22 A draft version will be available at M7 to help the work of the other WPs and S2R linked projects
Test programme for the validation of Integration Layer for Traffic Management System demonstratorReport on test planning including details on scenarios scheduled activities equipment configuration required partners required evaluation criteria and performance indicators the programme relates to further activities in T72 and T73 A preliminary and partial version will be produced and used internally by the consortium for the first validation stage due at M20
Report on technical coordination of the project and on project management activities linked to TD2.9 and CCA WA4.2This report will include the outcomes of the technical coordination of the project the project management activities related to the alignment with linked S2R projects of TD29 and CCA WA42 as performed during T21 and T22
Code and Configuration Generator, including source code (open source), configuration file, and documentationA report describes the Code Configuration generator software developed in T65 The software with its source code configuration file and documentation is provided
Hardware Component Specifications for IL, AF and Operator WorkstationsThis report will include the outcomes of SW/HW requirements analysis, performed in the T3.1
Dissemination, communication and exploitation activity reportReport summarising all communication dissemination and exploitation activities and their impact T83T85
Database Services (full), and test reportThis report outcome the results of T64
Report on Data structures and Database definitionThis report outcome the results of T63 The derivation link between CDM content and Database instantiation is its core part
Data Requirements for CDM definition and Database configurationD61 will consist in data description for CDM definition and associated Quality of Service requirements for database configuration
Demonstration activities that will be carried out for validating the Integration Layer solution including all its subsystems and components HW SW and databases the delivery will be also documented through a brief report
Přemysl Šrámek, Roman Štěrba
Published in:
Vědeckotechnický sborník Správy železnic, státní organizace č. 2/2020 (Scientific and technical proceedings of SZCZ), Issue February 2020, 2020, Page(s) 40-46, ISSN 2694-9172
Sprava zeleznic, statni organizace
Jin Liu, Cristian Ulianov, Paul Hyde, Anna Lina Ruscelli, Gabriele Cecchetti
Published in:
Proceeding of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. 2022;236(2):139-148., Issue August 26, 2021, 2021, ISSN 2041-3017
SAGE Publications Ltd
A. Magnien, G. Cecchetti, A. L. Ruscelli, P. Hyde, J. Liu, and S. Wegele
Published in:
In Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Reliability, Safety and Security of Railway Systems (RSSRail), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 13294, June 2022, Issue 1 - 2 June 2022, 2022, Page(s) 832–839, ISBN 978-3-031-05814-1
Springer Verlag
Jin Liu, Cristian Ulianov, Paul Hyde, Gabriele Cecchetti
Published in:
High Speed Rail Education Interchange (HSREI) Conference, Issue 14-16 December 2020, 2020
University of Birmingham
G. Cecchetti, A. L. Ruscelli, C. Ulianov, P. Hyde, J. Liu, A. Magnien, M. Tavac, M. Duracik, L. Oneto, and J. Bertolin
Published in:
In Proceedings of Transport Research Arena TRA 2022, Transportation Research Procedia, November 2022, Issue 14-17 November 2022, 2022
Elsevier Transportation Research Procedia
G. Cecchetti, C. Ulianov, A. L. Ruscelli, J. Padilla, F. Manzoni, E. Moreno, A. Magnien,
R. Canepa, S. Petralli, and J. Bertolin
Published in:
In Proceedings of 13th World Congress on Railway Research (WCRR), June 2022, Issue 6-10 June 2022, 2022
Gabriele Cecchetti, Anna Lina Ruscelli, Piero Castoldi, Cristian Ulianov, Paul Hyde, Luca Oneto, Peter Márton
Published in:
Transport Research Procedia, Issue March 11, 2022, 2021
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