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Furthering Improvements in Integrated Mobility Management (I2M), Noise and Vibration, and Energy in Shift2Rail

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FINE-2 (Furthering Improvements in Integrated Mobility Management (I2M), Noise and Vibration, and Energy in Shift2Rail)

Reporting period: 2021-01-01 to 2021-12-31

Strengthening the position of railways vis-à-vis other transport modes is a top priority for the EU. Moving European rail forward into the future, the joint undertaking Shift2Rail fosters the introduction of trains that are not only quieter, more comfortable and more dependable but also operate on an innovative rail network. The EU-funded FINE-2 project is formed of three workstreams: one focused on saving energy, one on reducing inconvenient noise and vibration, and one looking at services that enhancing the business case for intermodal freight transport that involves rail as a part of the journey.
Specifically this project will develop prototypes to demonstrating new services, as well as tools that help experts understand the energy saving potential of changes to designs and models that better calculate noise and vibration.
The Energy Workstream has successfully assessed the energy saving potential of hybrid SiC converters, using data from an urban situation; they’ve detailed the state-of-the-art HVAC technologies; and performed a simulation that validates the Thermal Carbody Model. The WP number 5 has been completed, with Deliverables detailing their work published.

The Noise and Vibration workstream has completed the specification for reference cases, simulation requirements, tool validation targets and uncertainty assessment cases; completed the specification for test scenarios and requirements for the acoustic source separation methodologies; specified the requirements for the model of ground-based impacts; and collaborated with the two OC projects (TRANSIT and SILVARSTAR).

The Integrated Mobility Workstream has collaboratively designing a platform specific data model with X2Rail-4; completed the high-level designs of the prototypes of both the APIs for Conflict Management and Freight Management, and Dangerous Goods Management; adapted Thales’ IMPACT-2 prototype to enable (and potentially demonstrate in the future) communication with the OPTIMA integration layer; and built one example of an Advanced Business Service, to TRL5. The workpackages 13 and 14 have been completed, with Deliverable documentation detailing their work published.
Most of these have yet to be realised, as the project is still live. However WP5 has been able to demonstrate the Energy Improvements of hybrid SiC converters in their documentation, performed using real measurements.
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