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Performance Improvement for Vehicles on Track 2

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PIVOT2 (Performance Improvement for Vehicles on Track 2)

Période du rapport: 2021-01-01 au 2021-12-31

The project PIVOT2 is the follow-up project of PIVOT and aims to provide technical demonstrators based on the results of the PIVOT project.
PIVOT2 combines the development of activities in several key Rolling Stock subsystems - car body, running gear, brakes, entrance systems, modular interiors and HVAC.
The overall ambition is to develop technologies that are lighter, more energy efficient, more comfortable for passengers and with a lower impact on the track, thereby reducing the life cycle cost not only of the vehicle itself, but of the entire railway system. Technologies that increase the operational reliability of trains, causing less travel disruptions, ensuring that passengers get to destination on time and delivering a better service are also objectives.
- Car body
The work, done in three work packages (WP) covers the design, testing and the manufacturing of prototypes either as a complete car body with composite elements or as dedicated structural zones of rolling stock car bodies.
Regarding the detailed design as well as the manufacturing of elementary parts the work is ongoing and reaching in the next reporting period. The activities of WP 4 covering KPI’s and homologation have been started. Intermediate results are regularly reported to CCA with the main focus on weight reduction. Studies of recyclability, LCC and LCA of composites were initialized as well.

- Running gear
In WP 5 the development of smart running gear components has been started. These components cover active suspension and damping elements as well as smart systems to improve wheelset guidance.
Other topics covered by WP 5 are the support of the development of a universal cost model (UCM 2.0) done by the OC-project NEXTGEAR and the development of a health monitoring system for running gear and track to support the condition based maintenance of these systems.
WP 7 started with the development of innovative running gear components as a light-weight wheelset or innovative components as a single-axle running gear frame, primary springs and antenna beams made with composites. KPI and homologation aspects are covered in WP 7, too.
All activities are ongoing and reaching in the next reporting period.

- Brakes
The WP 9 covering the development of high SIL brake electronics as well as an innovative electro-mechanic braking system was done and almost completed. The brake calculation for the electro-mechanic brake could be finished and the rest of the work will be done in the next reporting period.
The conceptual work for an innovative friction pairing has been started; also the topic of virtual validation and certification was successfully tackled. The topics are to be finished in the second reporting period.

- Entrance systems
In WP 12 innovative designs for door leaves were investigated and a leave design based on composite materials was worked on. Despite Covid-19 acoustic tests were done and the tooling for a composite leave tooling was specified. Parallel to these activities a metallic leave was investigated, too. Beside the door itself another object of investigation were the ramps which bridge the gap between vehicle and platform, making them more robust and cost efficient.
With focus on autonomous rail vehicles various door functions were looked upon, especially an obstacle detection system was investigated.
KPI aspects are covered in WP 14. These activities are ongoing and reaching in the next reporting period as well as the activities described under WP12.

- Modular interiors
Activities regarding the interiors (passenger area) as well as the driver’s cab were started but not finished in the first reporting period. They reach into the second reporting period.

In WP 18 two innovative HVAC systems will be developed whereas the field tests will be performed within the project PINTA-3. Requirements were specified and the existing prototypes of KnorrBremse and Faiveley checked against the specification. Performance simulations were executed, and the existing HVAC units were adopted to the new refrigerant CO2.
Beside that some preliminary standardisation of interfaces was defined, and other fundamental work was done like KPI values for HVAC which were defined, and reference values were evaluated.

Due to Covid-19 not everything could be finished in the first reporting period but had to be postponed to the next reporting period.
- Car body shell
The work to be carried out in the car body shell design will ensure weight reductions, through new structures and concepts. The main objective is to develop the detail designs of key elements such as High Speed (HS) car body, headstock car body section and short couple element defined in PIVOT.
These designs will be carried out assuring the fulfilment of the structural and non-structural requirements identified in the technical specifications and according to the assessment methodology. The design will be completed with a weight analysis that will be used to calculate the weight reduction. The HS car body will achieve a TRL of 6/7.

- Running gear
Within PIVOT high performance running gears were designed taking into account the analysis to select new materials for light weight running gear components, including calculations and manufacturing processes. Vibroacoustic characterization of these new materials was conducted to obtain guidelines for noise reduction and an analysis of the regulatory framework and certification requirements took place including analysis of virtual certification processes. In PIVOT2 technical demonstrators of these systems will be manufactured and tested against the criteria of reduced infrastructure / wheel wear and damage and providing higher reliability.

- Brakes
Within IP1 of Shift2Rail several projects (CONNECTA, PINTA, PINTA2, PIVOT) have dealt with the development of hardware and methodologies for future brake system solutions and these will be brought together in PIVOT2 for the design, implementation and testing of an overall brakes system that complies with the full scope of the call.

- Doors
Following the work carried out in PIVOT, PIVOT2 will be the continuation with the building, manufacturing and testing of the entrance systems designed in PIVOT. This system will include the developments from PIVOT including platform detection technologies, adaptive gap fillers, passenger information system, sensor technologies and door entry surveillance technologies. Innovative new composite materials will be used where necessary and passenger comfort and weight and energy efficient will be paramount.

- Modular interiors
The Modular Interiors is split into three main parts: one for the common view, another one for interiors design and the last one for driver’s cabin. This will use the state-of-art and knowledges from PIVOT and M4R to develop a preproject. And will be organised in two groups: one focused on interiors and the other one focused on driver cabin. The group “driver cabin” will follow the road map from PIVOT and realize the pre-feasibility studies for new concepts. The group “interiors” will define the concepts to develop and realize the pre-studies of these concepts.

Within this new area of HVAC, the aim of PIVOT2 is to design concepts providing;
~ Specification of HVACs with natural refrigerants;
~ Simulation results of the technical behaviour of HVACs with natural refrigerants;
~ Development of HVAC-prototypes with CO2 refrigerant.
PIVOT2 project data