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Harnessing multipath propagation in wireless networks: A meta-surface transformation of wireless networks into smart reconfigurable radio environments

Description du projet

Une transformation intelligente de la métasurface des réseaux sans fil

Le fonctionnement des réseaux cellulaires reste conditionné par les limites inhérentes aux canaux sans fil. Le projet Pathfinder, financé par l’UE, tentera de promouvoir un modèle sans fil 2.0 qui adapte les canaux sans fil à l’exploitation des réseaux cellulaires et permet de surmonter ces limitations intrinsèques. Le projet s’appuiera sur des innovations dans le domaine des métamatériaux électromagnétiques susceptibles de contrôler et traiter les ondes radio. Cette technologie permet la conception et la production de métasurfaces intelligentes reconfigurables par logiciel (RIS) qui optimisent les canaux sans fil et permettent le contrôle des ondes à partir de ces canaux. Le projet vise à établir les bases théoriques et algorithmiques des réseaux sans fil 2.0 équipés de RIS qui conduiront à de nouvelles évolutions de la technologie des réseaux sans fil.


The long-term vision of Pathfinder is to kick-start a wireless 2.0 paradigm where wireless channels will adapt to the operation of cellular networks, allowing networks to overcome the inherent limitations imposed by wireless channels hitherto. In this course, Pathfinder builds upon the advancements in the area of electromagnetic meta-materials that can control and manipulate radio waves. This technology allows for designing and fabricating software reconfigurable intelligent meta-surfaces (RISs) that dynamically optimize the wireless channels in response to the dynamic behavior of radio waves, showing an unprecedented potential to control waves from within the wireless channels.
This control allows for radio waves to circumvent physical obstacles, improving network coverage, while the phase alignment of RIS constituent elements can maximize the power at the receiver through constructive interference. This, can increase data-rates and reduce the transmit power. Furthermore, sensors and IoT devices can “recycle” and backscatter the ambient radio waves through RISs instead of generating their own, realizing the objective of smart, interconnected cities by employing passive elements that neither generate radio waves nor consume power to generate them.

In this setup, the overarching objective of Pathfinder is to set the theoretical and algorithmic foundations of RIS enabled wireless 2.0 networks by deriving: (1) physics-inspired models for the RIS/radio wave interaction. (2) communication & information-theoretic models for RISs networks. (3) models for large-scale analysis of RIS networks. (4) algorithms for the design and optimization of RIS operation. (5) measurements for the experimental verification of the developed models and algorithms. The realization of these objectives can indeed transform wireless networks, driving the economic and intellectual growth of all European society, creating new jobs, increasing revenues and simplifying our lives.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 184 707,84
75794 Paris

Voir sur la carte

Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 184 707,84