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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

fRamework for Actual Cooperation on Energy on Sites and Parks

Descripción del proyecto

Polígonos industriales ecológicos para reducir el consumo energético

El sector industrial representa el 25 % de toda la demanda energética y el 50 % de la demanda total de calefacción y refrigeración de Europa. Con todo, solo el 16 % de la energía procede de fuentes renovables. La eficiencia del consumo energético de la industria puede mejorarse sustancialmente si se adoptan medidas colectivas y se forman agrupaciones empresariales. El objetivo del proyecto financiado con fondos europeos R-ACES es convertir las agrupaciones industriales de alto potencial e impacto en ecorregiones que logren reducir al menos un 10 % las emisiones. Una ecorregión es una zona geográfica en la que se producen intercambios de energía e información entre varias empresas y actores para reducir los residuos y el consumo energético. Las ecorregiones reducen las emisiones mediante el intercambio de excedentes de energía, el uso generalizado de energías renovables y la integración con sistemas inteligentes de gestión energética.


R-Aces means a step-change in the contribution of European Industry to the climate targets of the EU. The sector after all represents 25% of all energy demand – and 50% of all cooling and heating - on the continent; yet only 16% comes from renewables. By focusing on collective measures and clustering, the efficiency of industry can be drastically increased.

The focus of R-Aces therefore is to turn high-potential, high-impact industrial clusters into Ecoregions that achieve at least a 10% reduction in emissions. An Ecoregion is an area where energy, material and information exchanges occur between various companies and actors to reduce waste and energy/material consumption. Each region is centered on an (eco-)industrial park or (eco-)business park, linked to its surroundings by a 4th/5th generation district heating/cooling network.

The consortium sees this project as a capping stone, condensing the knowledge and experience gathered throughout H2020 into a set of three focused tools embedded in selected support actions. The tools consist of an assessment tool; legal decision support for joint contracts; and a smart energy management platform for clusters. The support actions are built around peer-to-peer learning, more formal coursework and serious games.
Together they enable a cluster to really become an EcoRegion and set up meaningful energy collaboration.
The entire package of tools and support is aimed at the high-potential clusters identified in the European Thermal Roadmap. It will be validated in three of them (all are part of the consortium); actively deployed in another seven; and disseminated to ninety of them. In addition, the tools and support methodology will be made available to third parties in a sustainable way after the end of this two-year project.

The project consortium consists of the entire value chain needed for energy collaboration – suppliers, ESCO, cluster managers, support – and represents many years of proven experience in this field.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

CSA - Coordination and support action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 544 905,03
3818 JN Amersfoort
Países Bajos

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West-Nederland Utrecht Utrecht
Tipo de actividad
Coste total
€ 544 905,03

Participantes (11)