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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

An intersectoral innovative solution involving DIGItal tools, empowering families and integrating community CARE services for the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes and hypertension

Descripción del proyecto

Empoderamiento de las familias para luchar contra la diabetes

En Europa, hay aproximadamente sesenta millones de personas con diabetes. La prevalencia de esta enfermedad está aumentando, en gran parte debido al incremento de los casos de sobrepeso y obesidad, una dieta poco saludable y la falta de actividad física. En este contexto, el proyecto financiado con fondos europeos DigiCare4You ofrecerá herramientas digitales basadas en la innovación intersectorial para la detección precoz, la prevención y el tratamiento de la hipertensión y la diabetes de tipo 2. En concreto, el proyecto se dirigirá a 10 000 familias de 2 países de renta media y 2 países de renta alta. Se utilizarán los centros escolares como punto de entrada en la comunidad. Pese a que se mejorarán los procedimientos actuales para la evaluación periódica del crecimiento de los niños (realizada a través del personal de enfermería de los centros escolares en colaboración con los centros de salud locales), se llevará a cabo un cribado de los padres/cuidadores mediante una herramienta digital de autoevaluación no invasiva.


DigiCare4You Consortium will jointly work with local stakeholders to deliver an intersectoral innovation involving digital tools for early screening, prevention and management of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and hypertension (HTN). An implementation study will be conducted, targeting more than 10,000 families in two Middle Income Countries (Albania and Bulgaria) and two High Income Countries (Greece and Spain), considering vulnerable groups. Schools will be used as an entry point to the community and building on an existing procedure for children’s periodic growth assessment (conducted via school nurses or in collaboration with local community health centres), parents/ caregivers will be screened via a non-invasive self-reported digital screening tool. Those identified at high risk for T2D will be referred for glycaemia testing and blood pressure (BP) measurements at local community health centres. Parents/ caregivers confirmed to have pre-diabetes or diabetes (and possibly high BP) will be invited to join a mHealth self-management intervention coordinated by the community healthcare workforce. The goal of this intervention is not only to improve the health status of the users, but also empower the entire family in adopting a healthy lifestyle. To this end, schools and communities will also be actively engaged to promote health literacy, well-being and support lifestyle changes creating a more supportive social and physical environment for the entire community. Regular monitoring will be ongoing during the implementation to allow corrective actions and ensure effective adaptation and uptake. Based on the study outcomes, the in-depth health economic evaluation and budget impact analysis, and data deriving from a Scalability Assessment and Decision-Support tool, national and international stakeholders will be invited to evaluate, through a series of webinars and workshops, the scalability potential of the DigiCare4You solution in other regions or countries in Europe.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 715 181,30
176 71 ATHINA

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Αττική Aττική Νότιος Τομέας Αθηνών
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 715 181,30

Participantes (16)