Periodic Reporting for period 4 - GAM-2020-ENG (H2020-IBA-CS2-GAMS-2020-2021)
Période du rapport: 2023-01-01 au 2024-04-30
- Ultra-High Propulsive Efficiency demonstrator addressing Short/Medium Range aircraft market 2014-2023: design, development and ground test of a propulsion system demonstrator to validate low pressure modules and nacelle technology.
- Business aviation/Short range regional Turboprop Demonstrator 2015-2022: design, development and ground testing of a new turboprop engine demonstrator.
- Advanced Geared Engine Configuration (HPC and LPT technology demonstration) 2015-2024: Design, development and ground testing of a new demonstrator to reduce CO2 emissions and noise as well as engine weight;
- Very High Bypass Ratio Middle of Market Turbofan technology 2014-2023: development and demonstration of technologies in each area to deliver validated powerplant systems matured for implementation in full engine systems;
- VHBR Large Turbofan demonstrator UltraFan™ 2014-2023: design, development, build and ground test of an engine to demonstrate key technologies at a scale suitable for large engines;
- The Small Aero-Engine Demonstration projects related to SAT focuses on small fixed-wing aircraft in the general aviation domain and their power-plant solutions, spanning from piston/diesel engines to small turboprop engines.
For the Business Aviation / Short Range Regional Turboprop Demonstrator (WP3), the Tech TP demonstrator, completed full ground demonstration of hybridized functions. The final acoustic evaluation of 7-blades propeller by indoor test was completed. After successful TechTP tests completion, the engine emissions savings performances were confirmed for SAT application, and benefits of hybrid electric configurations have been assessed at engine level.
For the Advanced Geared Engine Configuration (WP4), Aero engine compression- and expansion system technologies were tested and validated in two WP4 demonstrator programmes, namely the Engine Material VALidation (EMVAL) demonstrator and the 2-Spool Compressor Rig (2SCR). Both demonstrator vehicles are aiming for the improvement of the 2nd generation of future GTF engines.
For the Very High Bypass Ratio (VHBR) Middle of Market Turbofan technology (WP5). The new coupled models for realistic bearing chamber geometry were developed and ran robustly on Ultrafan® geometries. Work on the bearing oil shedding droplet velocities and measurement of wall film thickness is completed. The High-Pressure Turbine Rig Phase 2 Measurement campaign commenced in 2023. The Test Readiness Review (manufacturing strut casing) is complete and phase 2 is complete.
For the Very High Bypass Ratio (VHBR) Large Turbofan Demonstrator (WP6). Work commenced on the UltraFan® to align the instrumentation parameters to the test bed which completed in mid-March 2023, the commissioning phase commenced in April 2023. A summary of the first testing was reported in Mid-May 2023. The successful run of UltraFan® technology demonstrator to maximum power was achieved in Testbed 80 in Q4 2023. Final activity for test data analysis and reporting are finalised for the Intermediate Pressure Turbine Module and ICC.
For the Reliable and more efficient operation of small turbine engines (WP8), the hybrid electric propulsion system has been evaluated for SAT application, the airframer proceed in updating the architecture to evaluate the most suitable configuration. No further technologies development has been carried out within 2022 but the studies at propulsion system level has been summarized and evaluated. Test campaign on combustor have been finalized.
For the Engine Eco Design (WP9), all detailed Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) data were collected and provided to ECO TA through analysis performed on demonstrators parts, assessing the impact of a range of selected technologies: Additive Manufacturing, Re-use & Recycling of carbon fibers, Advanced Engine Manufacturing Processes and Maintenance and Repair activities.
WP3 activities are completed and culminated with the successful ground demonstration of a hybridized Tech TP engine. The run of this machine architecture demonstrated the full capability for taxiing (propeller drive), motoring (electrical and thermic powers combination), generating power (electrical) from thermic engine.
Both WP4 demonstrators are contributors helping to maintain the market position of European engine manufacturers and to maintain the capability for the development of world leading components and subsystems for competitive engines. Developed technologies will serve the next GTF 130 pax aircraft segment and are capable to be scaled for even a broader GTF propulsion system product family in future.
The purpose of WP5 is to mature a set of technologies required for the future development of a very high bypass ratio engine, from fan inlet through the complete compression, combustion and turbine to exhaust. These technologies will be matured up to TRL5 within the timeframe of Clean Sky 2. The testing performed under turbine rig activities have for instance confirmed of the improvements on aerodynamics of the Intermediate Pressure Turbine (IPT) and supported the validation of the noise reduction technologies.
WP6 aims at designing, developing, building and ground testing an UltraFan® engine to demonstrate key technologies at a scale suitable for large engines. The UltraFan® programme successfully completed the first assembly and was docked onto the pylon in testbed end of 2022. The programme culminated in 2023 with the start of the ground test campaign.
WP8 matured technologies related to compressor, combustor and turbine for small turbine engines building on demonstrations using the Catalyst as engine model. Preliminary studies related to an hybrid-electric exploitation of the MAESTRO engine were also performed under this work package. The WP will be closed early 2023 once the airframer Piaggio has finalized the update of the requirements for the hybrid electric propulsion.
WP9 activities up to the end of the project have cover the manufacturing of remaining parts (heat exchangers, complex engine bracket, floor panel), the finalization of Life Cycle Inventory data delivery as well as the completion of the Notional Engine Approach methodology.