Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SUPERvisionary (New Diffractive Optical Element Lenses and related industrial services)
Período documentado: 2021-03-01 hasta 2022-02-28
WP 1 Project management and IPR
Objective of this work package was to 1) assure effective execution of the project and 2) implement IPR strategy. Both parts were done successfully. Project's objectives, milestones and deliverables were achieved in the requested time. The budget spent on the project exceeded the initially foreseen budget, mostly due to the fact that the project was fully aligned with NILT's business strategy, and the team was fully committed to achieving and exceeding the goals. IPR strategy was defined and implemented in the beginning of the project, resulting in a significant number of patent applications.
WP 2 Design and Optical test services
Objective of this work packages was to mature NILT’s design process, to reduce the overall design lead times, and implement a professional design-for-manufacturing process, including related end-of-line optical design test methodology and facilities. All objectives were met. The design time was reduced by more than 90%. The optical lab is fully equipped and capable of performing a whole range of optical measurements, which cannot be done on any commercially available equipment. In all the designs, manufacturing tolerances are requirements are taken into account.
WP 3 Mastering services
Objective of this work package was to establish professional Mastering Services and services to deliver Replication master tools. Standard procedures for manufacturing silicon masters and replication master tools for several types of optical elements have been developed, optimized and implemented.
WP 4 Replication services
Objective of this work packages was to develop the pilot replication line and to support prototyping and small/medium scale fabrication of DOE’s for the customers. A prototyping line and a basic clean room with the most necessary tooling and equipment for replication, lithography, stacking, dicing, and testing are today in place and fully operational. Feasibility of replicating DOE structures from Replication master on low volume production line was demonstrated and a standardized process is now in place. Quality control process is implemented.
WP5 Marketing and commercialization
Objective of this work package was to define and implement the global marketing and commercialization strategy to grow. Marketing strategy was defined and implemented. NILT has demonstrated its technology at CES and Photonics West in the beginning of 2022 and has been very active on social media. Also, several press releases have been done during the last 12 months. NITL has been very proactive towards the customers and is creating the opportunities whenever possible to pitch the DOE's excellence. Several potential customers have been testing samples to verify their performance.