Periodic Reporting for period 3 - DIVERSIPHAGY (Utilizing diversity to decipher the role of autophagy in plant-microbe interactions)
Période du rapport: 2023-01-01 au 2024-06-30
• Identifying how the bacterial diversity impacts autophagy and vice versa
• Determining new bacteria and/or bacterial communities hijacking autophagy
• Revealing the autophagy degradome and novel autophagy factors by utilizing autophagy-modulating bacteria
• Identifying tissue and cell-type specific modulation of autophagy by diverse bacteria.
With DIVERSIPHAGY we will reveal the holistic picture of the role of autophagy in plant-microbe interactions using a mixture of state-of-the-art approaches including metabolomics, proteomics, single-cell transcriptomics and cell-type specific reverse genetic screens. As such DIVERSIPHAGY is the next generation approach to understand the role of plant autophagy in plant-microbe interactions and by translating our results into crop plants we will be able to develop more durable resistances toward destructive pathogens.