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Smart phoTonic souRces harnEssing Advanced Multidimensional Light optimization towards machIne-learNing-Enhanced imaging

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - STREAMLINE (Smart phoTonic souRces harnEssing Advanced Multidimensional Light optimization towards machIne-learNing-Enhanced imaging)

Période du rapport: 2022-08-01 au 2024-01-31

Modern photonic systems increasingly rely on complex nonlinear optical processes at the foundation of demanding applications spanning advanced light source development, metrology and imaging.

Importantly, current flagship imaging systems are based on nonlinear light-matter interactions provided by specialized lasers requiring complex operation and lacking tunability: means of controlling nonlinear phenomena and interactions are restricted, and reaching the ideal settings for a specific application can prove extremely challenging.

In this context, optical excitations can be inefficient (with e.g. excessive power or spectral coverage) and versatile means to drive coherent control of light properties are highly sought-after, for they provide the main building blocks for advanced imaging techniques. However, such control is currently constrained to few degrees of freedom provided by complex components ultimately hindering the accessible optical parameter space.

The realization of versatile, efficient and practical optical sources in compact forms would thus represent a fundamental revolution.

STREAMLINE constitutes an ambitious multidisciplinary program aiming to push forwards the development of 'smart photonic sources' for the creation of a promising new research field merging ultrafast nonlinear optics and computational imaging. The envisioned architecture, combining integrated and fibered components, will explore new multimode and input-dependent nonlinear dynamics via dedicated machine-learning schemes.

Together with suitable monitoring techniques, fully reconfigurable and tailored optical wavepackets (with ‘on-demand’ spectral, temporal and spatial properties), will be exploited towards disruptive nonlinear imaging and metrology techniques. Besides providing user-friendly operation with improved performances, blueprint dynamical imaging with custom light-matter interactions will unlock access to novel deep-learning strategies towards biological sample histology.
In the framework of the project, we have implemented new integrated photonic pulse processors and conjointly demonstrated autonomous on-chip picosecond pulse shaping as well as broadband supercontinuum spectro-temporal tailoring.

In parallel, we have developed an innovative and functional experimental architecture for optical wavepacket manipulation and control that has already yielded significant advances related to Dispersive Fourier Transform (DFT) real-time characterization and asynchronous nonlinear optical sampling (XFROG).

We also numerically demonstrated new ways of optimizing supercontinuum spectro-temporal properties for multi-photon microscopy and experimentally demonstrated the control of optical wave-breaking (in the spatial domain) and spatial division multiplexing for fundamental and imaging applications.

Overall, STREAMLINE already led to 8 peer-reviewed publications (and 2 accepted articles) in major journals such as Optica, Laser & Photonics Reviews, ACS Photonics, Advances in Physics: X, Communication Physics, etc.

Dissemination has been implemented through several actions such as national & international conferences/workshop participations (incl. 8 invited talks, 2 sessions chaired, > 27 contributed talks & posters - with 12 presented by the Postdoc/PhD students from STREAMLINE), a lecture at the 2021 International Summer School on “Machine Learning Photonics” and several roundtables/pitch events.

Other outreach actions include press publications in local newspapers, an outreach review publication in Techniques de l’Ingénieur, participations to the European Researchers’ Nights and Science Festival in 2021-22 as well as conferences in high school on “Ultrafast Photonics”.
We have so far developed an innovative and functional experimental architecture for advanced wavepacket manipulation and control.

This already yielded significant advances in ultrafast optical pulse shaping and characterization techniques, fuelled by machine learning approaches.

Further progress beyond the state of the art is expected in all scientific areas of STREAMLINE before the end of the project