Periodic Reporting for period 4 - NEOSUCCESS (Upscaling and Market Introduction of Simultaneous Biogas Upgrading and Bio-Succinic Acid Production)
Reporting period: 2023-06-01 to 2023-11-30
NEOSUCCESS is a Fast Track to innovation project with the goal of making commercially available an unique technology based on a semi-containerised plug-and-play technology, conceived to be integrated in biogas plants’ operational workflow, finally making the investment on biogas upgrading profitable as a result of its complementary BioSuccinic Acid exploitation.
During the 1st Reporting Period, the project was about the scale-up and construction of the industrial unit. The website was launched and a Dissemination and Communication (D&C) plan was established. The market analysis activities were also started, together with the Intelectual Property (IP) and Data Management Plans, as well as defined the ethical requirements for the project.
During the second year (2nd Reporting Period) the team has finished lab scale and pilot scale trials, finished the industrial unit design (including the DownStreamin Process -DSP- improvement), built it and validated it under controlled conditions and there is more to follow.
During this 3rd Reporting Period the consortium has focused mainly on the operation and optimization of the industrial unit, both of the UpStream and the DownStream. Other tasks have also been advanced, such as the Business Plan and the Dissemination & Communication.
In these last 6 months (4th Reporting Period), the team has performed the final industrial trials on the DownStream and has carried out several demonstration/promotional activities of the technology with interested groups, as well as prepared some content for the training of interested parties. Thanks to this, the project has made contact and held ulterior meeting with an interested chemical company. Furthermore, the rest of the tasks have been finished and reported during these last months, such as the standardisation, Data analysis or Business Plan.
The NEOSUCCESS technology has been validated at lab and pilot scale with very positive results. It has also been designed and tested at an industrial scale, showing some deficiencies related to sterilisation, that can be easily re-adjusted and fixed. Thus, the NEOSUCCESS project shows that the technology is an alternative for the market and can be implemented, once enhanced.