Periodic Reporting for period 2 - MORE-TEM (MOmentum and position REsolved mapping Transmission Electron energy loss Microscope)
Période du rapport: 2022-11-01 au 2024-04-30
[1] F. Börrnert, et al. Ultramicroscopy (accepted) (2023).
[2] F. Macheda, et al. PRB 107, 094308 (2023); arXiv:2212.12237
[3] G. Marchese, et al, Nature Phys., accepted (2023); arXiv:2303.00741
[4] F. Macheda, P. Barone, and F. Mauri, PRL 129, 185902 (2022); arXiv:2202.02835.
[5] A. Siciliano, et al., PRB 107, 174307 (2023); arXiv:2301.08628
[6] G. Caldarelli, et al., PRB 106, 024312 (2022); arXiv:2202.02246
[7] T. Venanzi, et al., PRL, accepted (2023); arXiv:2212.01342
[8] M. Basini, et al., submitted (2022), arXiv:2210.14053
[9] M. Basini, et al., submitted (2022), arXiv:2210.01690
[10] J. P. Nery, F. Mauri, PRB 105, 245120 (2022); arXiv:2203.11289
[11] S. Mallik et al., Nat. Com. 13, 4625 (2022)
[12] F. Gabriele, C. Castellani, L. Benfatto, PR Res, 4, 023112 (2022); arXiv:2110.06772
[13] N. Sellati, et al., submitted (2023), arXiv:2304.14816
[14] W. Cui et al. Adv. Funct. Mat., 32, 2206429 (2022)
[15] J. Hong et al. ACSNano 16, 12328 (2022)
[16] Y.C. Lin et al., Nanolett. 21, 10386 (2021)
[17] R. Senga et al., Nature 603, 68 (2022)
[18] A. Guandalini et al., submitted (2023), arXiv:2302.06367
As highlighted in Ref. [17] using momentum integrated EELS a breakthrough in the ability to distinguish different carbon isotopes in the TEM on the single atom level was proven. It shows the first study how to use the changes in the phonon DOS due to the different masses of the individual isotopes to distinguish them on the single atom level. This is impossible from the image contrast alone. This sensitivity to distinguish atomically resolved between different carbon isotopes published in Nature is a breakthrough which only became available by our reference study in Nature (R. Senga, K. Suenaga, P. Barone, S. Morishita, F. Mauri, T. Pichler, Position and momentum mapping of vibrations in graphene nanostructures, Nature 573 (2019) 247). The same holds for the highlight in Ref. 3. The theory partner introduced the concept of atomic momentum (q) dependent effective charges ZI(q), a vector quantity associated to each atom I of the unit cell, to describe the phonon cross-section measured by EELS. Interestingly, we discovered that in presence of a strong electron scattering (as, e.g. in a high temperature superconductor) Z(q) can be used to also describe the phonon peaks in optical reflectivity data in the far-IR. In the accepted Nature Phys. in Ref. 3 we used this concept to extend the definition of Born effective charges, normally used in insulators, to super and bad conducting metals and to simulate the far-IR reflectivity spectra of the extremely high-temperature superconductor, H3S, both in its normal and superconducting phase. This is a breakthrough regarding IR mode detection in metals.
For momentum resolved EELS at high energy resolution the breakthrough in the optical range the highlights in Ref. 15 and 18 represent a breakthrough regarding the experimental detection and concomitant theoretical description. The paper submitted to PRL provides the first combined experimental and theoretical study on the excitation gap opening of graphene. This is a breakthrough as it is the first experiment allowing access to the Fermi velocity in freestanding graphene. This enabled us to disentangle the quasielastic scattering from the excitation gap of Dirac electrons of freestanding graphene, even close to the optical limit. Combining this possibility with first-principles calculations, we show the importance of many-body effects on electronic excitations. Quasi-particle corrections and excitonic effects are addressed within the GW approximation and Bethe-Salpeter equation, respectively. Both effects are essential in the description of the EEL spectra to obtain a quantitative agreement with experiments, with the position, dispersion, and shape of both the onset and the π plasmon being significantly affected by excitonic effects. In semiconductors such as 2D layered PdSe2 which has a layer dependent metal insulator transition published in ACSNano we have proven that such high energy and momentum resolutions are also crucial to disentangle different quasiparticle excitations. i.e. how to disentangle plasmonic and excitonic response and the layer dependent metal insulator transition. This is a breakthrough regarding the ability to distinguish the origin of these quasiparticle excitations.
All these 17 publications and 12 highlights in the first two years show the pathway to achieve the above mentioned final goal of the project to develop a revolutionary new research instrument as table top synchrotron combining the utmost combined energy resolution with the concomitant utmost either momentum or spatial resolution at variable temperature. Mapping out the spatial and q-landscape of primary excitations will allow us to gain control on quantum phases, like charge-density waves and superconductivity, to engineer new materials for energy (e.g. batteries), (opto-)electronic devices in (organic) electronics, and to model the physical and chemical properties of natural geological systems. Hence, this will not only enable the analysis of modern advanced materials in unprecedented details but also hugely impact a wide range of applications in physics, chemistry, engineering, as well as in environmental-, geo- & material science.