Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ArtMotor (Artificial Motor Proteins: toward a designed, autonomous protein motor built from non-motor parts)
Reporting period: 2023-03-01 to 2024-08-31
The purpose of ArtMotor is to design and build functional, synthetic protein motors capable of moving and transducing energy, based on existing, non-motor protein modules of known molecular function. By combining approaches from computational protein design, structural and molecular biology, and single-molecule detection, we aim to (a) construct relatively simple protein motors that will require external control, and (b) construct, step by step, an autonomous protein motor capable of moving along a track.
The overarching objectives of ArtMotor are to generate new insights into mechanisms of energy transduction in proteins, and to help inspire complex protein designs that may lead to advances in fields from enzyme design to nano-engineering.
In parallel, we have made advances on two autonomous, bipedal walkers, one based on the TrpR repressor (also used in TW) and the other based on the LacI repressor. With TrpR, we can express the required single chain constructs to make a simple foot. We are altering the individual DNA-binding helices and the DNA track so as to achieve directional binding (asymmetry). With the LacI design, we have created monomeric forms and we are testing heterodimeric forms so as to achieve symmetry in track binding. For LacI, we are at the stage of designing enzymatic sites to control binding. The designs are at an advanced stage, in silico. We will be screening for expression and enzymatic activity shortly.